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"What? Lucifer rescheduled again?" Y/n let out a frustrated groan.

It's been a week since Alastor's appearance and Y/n has been more on edge. She's a ticking time bomb at this point and everyone even Vox was a bit scared of her. She sat at her work space looking down at her tablet.

"Y-Yeah, He said He and Lilith won't be seeing anyone till next week." Nina hid her face behind her tablet.

"And what about Zion? Has he done anything suspicious?" Nina shook her head and looked down at her tablet.

"Vox says he's been doing nothing but work. He even friended some of the other workers." Y/n looked up from her tablet and shifted her gaze to Nina.

"Take me to see Zion." Y/n stood up and fixed her outfit.

'I'm not going to sit here and wait for Zion to do something I'm going to confront the bastard myself.'

"I believe he's in a meeting with Vox and the other employees." Nina backed up a bit from Y/n giving her extra space.

"Let's go then." Y/n started walked to the door and flung it open. Nina followed close behind as Y/n walked as if she was determined to kill someone.

"What's going on Y/n?" Nina looked up at Y/n a bit worried. Y/n stayed silent but let out a small sigh.

"Alastor came to see me.." Nina's eyes widen and she was about to shout what but Y/n stopped walking and put her hand over Nina's mouth.

"He came to warn me about Zion. Apparently he and Zion made a deal and Zion ran away from Alastor and came to me. He asked for more knowledge in inventing so he just gave me a heads up." Y/n moved her hand from Nina's mouth and kept walking.

"Is that why you've been so stressed? Y/n I think you should tell Vox. It's almost been a year since everything went down between you and Alastor and Vox deserves to know. Especially since you guys are getting more serious as the time passes."

Y/n frowned a bit. She knew it's about time she told Vox about Alastor but she was worried. She was worried that Vox will be upset with her for not telling him about Alastor and that Vox will be stressed out because of Alastor's return.

"I know I'll tell him soon." Y/n and Nina arrive outside the meeting room and she opened the door. Everyone in the room including Vox looked at the door. Vox grew a huge smile as he saw Y/n walking through the door.

"Hey Ba- Y/n." Vox catches himself and clears his throat. "How can I help you?" Y/n smiled and shook her head.

"I'm actually here for Zion. But I can wait till the meeting ends." Y/n motions for Nina to stay by the door and she walks next to Vox who's sitting on his chair. She stands behind him and places her hand on his shoulder. Vox looked at up at her and gave her a smile.

"I'm sorry but what do you need me for?" Zion raised his hands. Y/n kept a smile on her face and put her finger to her mouth to shush him.

"We can end the meeting here. I said what I needed to and I'm sure you all understand. You're all dismissed expect Zion." Vox stands up and fixes his bow tie. He snakes his arm around Y/n and pulls her in closer to him.

Everyone but Zion leaves and Y/n lets out a huge breath and looks at Vox.

"Vox I need to tell you something too. Sit down please." Vox looked at Y/n a bit concerned but sat back down in his seat. Y/n couldn't deny she felt and looked nervous. She felt her palms get sweaty and her heart rate picked up a bit. Nina noticed and stood by Y/n giving her a reassurance smile. Y/n smiled back and nodded.

To me (Vox x Reader AU)Where stories live. Discover now