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"Good morning my dear!" Alastor barges into the room as Y/n's doing her makeup.

"Good morning love!" Y/n smiles finishing her makeup and walks up to Alastor and hugs him. They hug each other and pull away.

"How are you on this hellish morning?" Y/n smiles as she touches up her hair.

"Id have to say I'm quite pleased with today's radio broadcast. I had many participants during the show I had to extend my air time." Alastor laughs. Y/N smiles and grabs her purse.

"I'm happy that your show went great." Y/n locks her arm with Alastor guiding them out of her room. They walk out her house and head deeper into the pride ring to attend the overlord meeting they've been summoned to. They chat about ideas for Alastor Broadcast and Y/n's inventions as they walk into the building where the meeting is taking place.

They walk in and sit next to Rosie who's a good friend to both of them. In the other side of the table a few seats down sat Vox. Vox the TV demon and longtime rival of Alastor sat by himself glaring at Alastor. Alastor oblivious of course chats with Rosie and Y/n till the meeting starts.

Carmilla walks in with her daughters and Zeztel. Everyone but Carmilla sits down and the meeting begins.

"This years extermination we lost almost 13% of our population. We need to discuss how to limit the deaths of next years extermination. Does anyone have ideas?" Carmilla asks. All of the overlords stay quiet. Carmilla sighs and and rubs her temples.

"So no one has any idea?" Carmilla looks at everyone. Y/n raises her hand. Carmilla looks over to her and nods. Y/n stands up proudly and faces Carmilla.

"I have an idea on how we can protect these sinners. At a price of course." Y/n smiles sweetly. Carmilla rolls her eyes. Carmilla lets Y/n continue.

"With a little bit of magic i was able to use the material of angelic weapons to create a shelter that not even Angels can destroy!." Y/n slams her fist on the table. Carmilla is silent for a bit. The overlords silent as well. Y/n continues talking.

"We asked dear daddy Morningstar to use his magic on it and it stayed intact. We used angelic weapons on it too." Y/n smiles

"That doesn't sound like a bad idea. Will it be affordable?" Carmilla asks and Y/n looks back at Carmilla confused.

"If they have the money yes. Personally I don't fucking care about those lame fucks." Y/n scoffs and sits back down. Alastor pats Y/n on the back and gives her a thumbs up. Carmilla sighs and groans.

"Alright do what you need to, The meetings over I need a fucking drink." With that Carmilla leaves and her daughters follow behind, Zestel then tagging along with them. All of the overlords stand up and begin to disperse. As Y/n and Alastor are about to walk out they're stopped by Vox whos grinning.

"Hello Y/n, It's always a pleasure to see you." Vox offers his hand to shake Y/n's. Y/n smiles at Vox and shakes his hand. Alastor rolls his eyes.

"Pleasure's all mine." Y/n pulls her hand away. Vox looks at Alastor with disgust.

"Alastor." Alastor keeps his smile and just glares at Vox. Vox looks back at Y/n and goes back to grinning.

"Do you mind if we speak in private?"

"No of course not. Alastor you can go on ahead without me, I'll see you later." Y/n smiles at Alastor.

"Are you sure you want to stay by yourself, who knows where he's been." Alastor chuckles.

"Listen you-" Y/n cuts Vox off and nods.

"Yes Alastor I'll be fine, I'm sure Vox doesn't mean harm." Alastor sighs and leaves. Y/n turns to face Vox and smiles.

To me (Vox x Reader AU)Where stories live. Discover now