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The next morning Y/n and Alastor discussed about future plans at Alastors radio tower. Vox hasn't messaged her and she was somewhat bothered by it. She kept checking her phone every thirty minutes and Alastor caught on.

"Whose message are you waiting for?" Alastor taps his finger on the table where they are sitting at.

"No one." Y/n pushes her phone away from her and smiles at Alastor. Alastor hmms and stands up.

"Why don't we take a stroll? It's been ages since we went on one." Alastor offers his hand to Y/n. Y/n smiles and takes his hand. She stands up and follows Alastor out. They begin their stroll in silence till Alastor spoke.

"You know Y/n. You and I make such a great team. We both carry each other and help each other. I can't imagine not doing this with you. You really are someone who's dear to me." Alastor keeps his gaze forward. Y/n feels something weird in her dead heart but pushes it aside.

"As are you. You were the first one to greet and be nice to me. You helped my business start from the ground up. I'm in debt to you." Y/n smiles.

"Well if that's the case, I do have one itty bitty favor." Y/n looks up at Alastor confused. Alastor stood in front of Y/n and looked down at her. His smile still painted on his face.

"Make an official deal with me." Alastor offers his hand.

"What do you mean?" Y/n was actually puzzled.

"We agreed to work together, but we never made an official deal between two co partners. This means we will only work together and nothing else can stop it." Alastor's grin got wider.

"I didn't think we needed to." Y/n backs up a bit.

"I won't lie to you my dear. You've been spending a lot of time with the Vees and it has me a bit worried." Alastor puts his hand on his chest.

"You don't need to worry Alastor. I'm not going anywhere." Y/n reassures Alastor.

"I trust you my dear. Sorry to cut our hangout short but I have urgent matters to attend to." Alastor pats Y/n's head.

"Oh okay then. I'll see you tomorrow?"

"But of course my dear! We have a show to do." With that Alastor vanishes. Y/n sighs and looks at her hellphone. 'I can't believe I'm waiting for that prick to message me' She puts her hellphone in her pocket and continues to walk to the nearest Bakery in town.

She enters the bakery and is immediately recognized by sinners. Some run away in fear, some take pictures of her and the others stare. Y/n ignores them and continues to look at the selection they have.

"Hey didn't I see you at the V's tower?" Y/n looks back to see the spider guy she ran into the other night.

"Yes I'm Y/n L/n. Pleasure." Y/n offers her hand to shake.

"Well you don't seem as bad as I thought you were." The man shakes Y/n hand. Y/n laughs and takes her hand away.

"I'm for sure nothing like Valentino. Speaking of, what's your name? Velvette told me you were one of.. his workers." Y/n smiles.

"The names Angel dust. I'm one of his porn stars." Angel puts his finger on his mouth attempting to look flirty.

"Well again it's a pleasure to meet you." Y/n looks back at the sweets they have.

"I recommend the bloodborn pie. It's not too sweet but sweet enough." Angel points at the pie Y/n was staring at for a while.

"Alright I'll trust you." Y/n smiles and orders the pie and coffee. The barista hands Y/n her coffee.

To me (Vox x Reader AU)Where stories live. Discover now