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Y/n's been unconscious for two weeks now. Alastor is no where to be found and TV has finally surpassed Radio. Due to the change Vox became super busy but that didn't stop him from thinking about Y/n. Nina was able to convince the media that you were working on a big project. So they wouldn't get suspicious of anything.

Nina has been taking care of Y/n while The rest of them work. Vox and Velvette would stop by to check on Y/n'a conditions. Every night Vox would stay by Y/n's side. Velvette and Val would tease Vox for his soft spot for Y/n. Vox hated the fact that he felt the need to stay by you just to make sure you're okay but he couldn't help it.


"You want what?" Val looked at Vox confused and a bit annoyed.

"I want Y/n to live with us for now on." Vox ignored Val's gaze. Val stood up and slammed his fist on the table.

"She isn't even a V! Just because youre in love the slut doesn't mean she can just-".

"Oh piss off Valentino, what about the man whore you have staying here." Velvette cuts him off.

"That's different." Val sat back down and inhales smoke from his pipe.

"The bloody hell it is. You hypocrite fuck." Velvette rolls her eyes and scrolls through her phone. Val was about to say something before being stopped by Vox.

"I still want to convince Y/n to join us but she's already been through enough."

"I'll join you guys." Y/n's sudden appearance shocked all three of them.

"Y/n-" Vox was cut off by Y/n walking up to Vox and points at his face.

"On my conditions, One I work with you not for you, I still want to run my own business. Second I get my own workspace and room. Lastly, if that backstabbing, shit grin, fucking bastard comes back you let me handle him." Y/n extends her now purple lit hand out for Vox to shake.

"Hold on, how come you get to be the one who makes the deal." Val interjects.

"Shut up twink." Y/n continues to look at Vox. Vox looks at Velvette who nods.

"I want to contribute to this deal." Y/n rolls her eyes and nods.

"You become one of us, and I want to work on some projects with you. That's all I ask." Y/n thinks for a moment before she motions her hand closer to Vox. Vox tries to hide his grin by smiling. He shakes Y/n's hand shocking her a bit before they engulfed in purple flames and electricity. They settle down after both Vox and Y/n pull their hands away.

Velvette claps and stands up.

"That was beautiful. I say we celebrate!" Velvette shouts. "But first of all." Velvette looks at Y/n.

"When the fuck did you wake up?! We've been waiting for ages!" Velvette runs to Y/n and hugs her. Y/n smiles and pats Velvette's back.

"An hour ago actually. Nina filled me in on what happened." Y/n looks at Vox with a playful smile.

"Congrats on beating Radio bitch." Y/n flips off Vox. Vox laughs and flips her off too.

"I wasn't the one who went hand to hand with Alastor." Vox shrugs. Velvette gasps and pulls away.

"That's right! Tell me what happened! Vox told me that you destroyed Alastor's house!"

"Another time. Right now, I need to talk to Vox." Y/n smiles and holds her hands in front of her.

To me (Vox x Reader AU)Where stories live. Discover now