"You are the one... the one I know!"

Comincia dall'inizio

"Baby, what are these clothes? They can't be destroyed, we need to buy you new clothes, we are going to a concert to celebrate your birthday, you need to wear special clothes tonight."

"And what's so bad about these? I'll wear one of these."

"I think you have lived in a cave, my girl, I say Jungkook, the most loved and most admired singer of Korea and the world, the HOT Golden Maknae man, and going out with clothes like that?? No, is never possible, we are going shopping immediately."

"I even didn't check his profile, I don't know who is he, you say to me the "Golden Maknae"!"

"Oh come on, you will see him in the right time. Now let's go shopping."

We immediately got dressed, went out, got in the car and entered one of the most beautiful and largest stores in New York. We went into a store and started choosing clothes. I went into the booth and started trying on the clothes one by one and after an hour, we finally chose a nice outfit, I chose a short with a deep slit red long v-neck satin dress and bought it.

After doing our shopping, we sat in a cafe in the shopping mall and chatted. She told me what she was doing in America these days and I told her what I was doing on my holiday and my birthday. I missed talking to her so much. After coffee and desserts, we went home into my room and slept in the same bed, I missed sleeping with her.

We already sleep together some nights, even though we both have a room. She is like my sister to me, so I don't mind sleeping with her, there are nights we see films and serials so fall asleep in our shoulders.

We woke up with the sound of Minah's alarm, it was 20:33. We immediately went to our bathrooms and took a shower. She had bought fragrant shampoos and candles for me, I love my dear friend very much.

After washing thoroughly, I got out of the bath, put on my bathrobe and wrapped my hair in a towel.
I stood in front of the mirror and in the sink, there were very expensive and beautiful skin care products and makeup in front of me. This view was every young girl's dream.

After making skin care on my face, I applied moisturizer to my body. I didn't need any highliter or foundation, my skin was very nice and smooth.
When it was time to put on make-up, Minah entered my bathroom.

"Girl, I brought your dress, should I do your hair while you do your make-up?"

"Girl, you look so beautiful! And you got ready before me, don't think I missed it."-I said, laughing.

She left the dress on the hanger and came behind me.

"Well babe I will look beautiful, of course we will celebrate my sweetheart's birthday, and we will also go to Jungkook's concert, so you must be even more beautiful than me."

"Well, let's see if I can be beautiful."

We both laughed.

"You said you would tell me later, what happened today?"

"I met someone on the plane today and we talked."

"So? Who was he, what was his name, did you get his social media account, who is girl, tell me?"

"His name is Jeon, I mean just Jeon, I didn't get the name of his account, we talked so long and so nice that I forgot to ask. He is interested in good works, he has received awards, but I don't know in which sector he works, hr didn't say."

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