"Wait for me!"

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"What do I do now?"

It's 19:45 and I still haven't found my prince.
When I thought about who to call and ask, time had passed and I still hadn't found a solution. I wanted to write a post as I always do.

"I wish was some prince here, I'm chosen as the princess of the masquerade ball, but I have no prince. I'm not worried about getting scolded by the teacher. I was chosen as the princess of this ball because I described impossible love in the most beautiful way in an essay, and by coincidence, I do not have a prince with me. Should I use impossible love as an excuse? Should I say that I couldn't bring my prince because I have an impossible love? Aishh...I don't know."

Posted the post and continued to think what to do.

Time passed, it was 20:57
For 3 minutes the ball will start and I didn't find any solution.

I was in the dressing room, dressed, but I couldn't go downstairs alone, everyone would say something... including my teacher too, that's why I was here and thinking about what to do.

I stood up and stood in front of the full-length mirror. My outfit and mask were beautiful, but I was sad because I had no one at the ball.

 My outfit and mask were beautiful, but I was sad because I had no one at the ball

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The outfit of my masquerade...

The outfit of my masquerade

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The shoes...

The shoes

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