Chapter 4: Jojo Knows

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March 10, 1989: The Party has found no leads until a visit from Jojo McKing changed all that. Jojo found a book that contains history about Henry Creel, and his connection to Unicron. There, she told them about Vecna's plan: to merge Unicron with the Mind Flayer to create something worse. 

Then, Alice enters the Astral Plane using her crystal, but something gets in her way, or someone, meaning Agatha Von Grace. 

Agatha: "Hello, Alice! HAHAHAHAHA!"

Alice: "(screaming) Agatha!"

Alice wakes up screaming her name as if she's out for revenge. 

Alice: "She's back!"

Barney: "Who?"

Alice: "Agatha Von Grace."

Meanwhile, something comes out of Lover's Lake. It was a normal Drone, but with a face that splits open, like a Demogorgon. Arrow and Rustbucket do battle, but their weapons don't work on something that's part Demogorgon and part Drone. 

AceArrow: "Is that thing immortal?"

Rusty: "Relax, no Drone of Unicron's is immortal."

Until a bomb blows it to pieces, but whose bomb is it? Why, it's none other than Hound, along with Brawn. And, as they report to the Elite Guard, their worst fear has been realized. Then, one night, at 3:15 AM, a giant cross appeared at the center of Hawkins, which means that the Upside-Down is surfacing onto Earth.

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