"Wait" she paused a bit then continued "don't tell me it was your aunt that called and you're going to answer?

"Yes, it's her.  I replied with a frown on my face.

"Okay baby girl it's getting dark, call me if you need anything, and remember I love you"

"I love you too" I replied as I picked a few of my things and rushed out.

Getting home, I saw a fleet of flashy cars that I don't know their names parked outside the compound and it got me wondering as I walked in.

I saw two men sitting in the living room and I'm sure I'd never met or seen them before now and they didn't look like nice people to me.

One of them stood up and drew closer to me scanning me from head to toe with this dirty smirk on his face then he asked, "What's your name, Angel?

I looked at him with disgust in my eyes refusing to answer before my uncle's harsh voice brought me back to reality.

" Arial have you lost your speech or something?"

"My name is Arial"  I answered shaking a bit.

"Okay, I'll take her," he said to my uncle and aunty as I stood speechless not understanding what was going on.

"Take who"??? Not thinking out loud

He said "Miss Arial let's go" taking my arms

"Meaning?" I hit his hands off mine

"You're now our boss's property," he said as he came closer.

"Huh" I queried speechlessly looking at my uncle and aunt expecting a reply to what he said.

" Follow me," my uncle said as he walked towards the balcony with the wife behind him while I tagged along even though my legs could not carry me.

When we got to the room, I asked again "Sir who's that man and what is he saying?"
"You'll leave with him, " my aunt said with so much irritating audacity that's not an answer to
What I asked.

"Let me do the talking," he said facing his wife and she nodded slightly in affirmation surprisingly.

Let me tell you a little about Mrs Vera my uncle's wife. She's a Jezebel.

Patral my best friend would always call her the devil's favorite incarnate.

"Arial, Arial, Arial!!!! Mrs vera screamed as she walked down the alley to my room, I could hear her voice and could tell she was very upset for a reason I knew nothing about.

Her harsh voice woke me up from sleep. I struggled to be fully awake as I was exhausted from yesterday's audit, and the hell she put me through when I returned from work.

"Yes ma'am, please I'm coming, I replied yawning as a result of acute tiredness.

After I got back from work yesterday, this woman made me stay up the whole night looking for the gold earrings she claimed to have lost in the morning while preparing for work.

Gracie's school was on holiday and she was home. But Mrs vera would rather die than ask her precious daughter Gracie to look for the gold earrings. 

She had to wait for Arial to get back from work because she enjoys stressing the heavens out of me!!!!!!
Well, that's a tip of what Mrs Vera My uncle's wife can do. She works in a Bank as an executive manager.
A Ruthless bit**ch! I've always wondered why she hates me so much. If my uncle wasn't my late dad's only surviving relative, I'd have assumed maybe my mum snatched her husband from her before she died. How did my uncle, a man with so many moral standards end up with such a bit**ch and he lets her control him?

End of flashback***

"Arial you know that you've been my daughter after we lost your parents in that accident. My uncle continued.

I looked at him and nodded as tears filled my eyes. Why would he remind me that I'm just an orphan?

"Please I need you to do me this favor as it'd be the last thing I'll ever ask of you".

I stood bewildered. "I've always been a father to you right?" He asked

"Yes, uncle and you know it, what exactly are you saying??" I asked still confused.

"You have to calm down in other to understand what I'm about to say now, it might be confusing and a bit hard but trust me, you'll later understand that you did it for your family and it's worth it.

He was getting me more confused than I was before now. Do what for the family? I asked myself. My uncle was not speaking in clear terms.

"Arial I have gotten into a very unexplainable situation that even this house has been sold off, and it still didn't fix the situation. So you're my last option. I hope someday you understand that I meant no harm. My uncle said.

With the confusion written on my face, my aunty added. "Honey, is she worth all these explanations you know our guest is such an impatient man.

Wait what??? Did this witch just say that?? Anyway, I'm not surprised, believe me, I felt like strangling her.

"Uncle why? Just why?. That was the only word that could come out of my mouth.

"I'm sorry Arial, I wish I had other choices," he said.

"You have a daughter let her do it" I couldn't even believe I just said that.

My aunty raced towards me and my uncle hastily stood in between us, then he turned and looked at me.

"Arial this time I'm not asking or having this conversation again, you're going with them and that's final and besides this house has been sold and you have nowhere to go."

"I won't go with them uncle," I said as I reached the door and walked to the living room only to be grabbed again but this time forcefully by one of the guests.

I struggled to free my tiny hands from his grip but it was not working because he is stronger than me. Then unexpectedly he lifted me and dashed out of the house walking towards the cars parked outside and then at that moment my whole world collapsed.

Don't worry Angel, I promise to keep you safe he whispered to my ears.

I was so angry that if I had a knife, I would have stabbed him. And who is Angel???? at least, make it easier by calling me by my name Arial.

Why me?

What wrong have I done to the universe that they chose to let these things happen to me??

What sins did my fathers commit that are living after me?

It's questions upon questions and another question with no single answer.

Is that it?
Is this the end?

Thousands of words were joggling in my head.

The only family I had, the only people that were supposed to love me, gave me away.

I struggled to break free, but I was still locked in his arms and he walked towards one of the cars parked outside.

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