Comfort | Ricky Olson

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Author's Note:
Please, comment after reading this oneshot chapter to give me feedback, on this!

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Clara was in a frenzy as she hurriedly tidied up her room, feeling a mixture of excitement and nervousness fluttering in her stomach. It was evident that her room was in disarray, scattered with clothes, books, and various items strewn across the floor. She couldn't help but chuckle to herself, realizing the irony of her situation - trying to impress Ricky with a clean room while she was known for her occasional bouts of clutter. Nevertheless, she was determined to make everything perfect for his visit.

As she busied herself with organizing her belongings, Clara couldn't shake off the anticipation bubbling within her. This was a significant moment for her - not only was it her second sleepover with a guy, but it was also the first time Ricky, her boyfriend, would be coming over. She couldn't help but wonder what he would think of her room, her sanctuary filled with bits and pieces of her life. Would he find her quirks endearing or overwhelming?

Amidst her thoughts, Clara's attention was drawn to the sound of a gentle knock on her bedroom door. Her heart skipped a beat as she straightened up, excitement coursing through her veins. With a wide grin plastered on her face, she hurried to the door, eager to greet Ricky. As she swung the door open, her eyes immediately met his, and a rush of warmth flooded her senses.

There stood Ricky, looking handsome as ever, with his warm smile and those captivating eyes that never failed to make her heart flutter. The air was filled with the irresistible aroma of his cologne, a scent that Clara had grown to love and associate with him. It enveloped her like a comforting embrace, instantly putting her at ease. Despite the nerves that still lingered, being in his presence brought her a sense of calm and contentment.

"Hey, Ricky," Clara greeted him, her voice laced with excitement and affection. "Come on in." She stepped aside, gesturing for him to enter her room, a wave of happiness washing over her at the sight of him.

"Why is it only you and your older sister?" Ricky asked, his brows furrowing with curiosity as he waited for Clara's response.

Clara took a moment to gather her thoughts before answering. "Oh, well, it's a long story," she began, her voice tinged with a hint of sadness. "My mom and dad are going through a tough time. They're splitting up, and right now, they're handling all the paperwork."

Ricky's expression softened with empathy as he processed Clara's words. "I'm sorry to hear that," he said sincerely. "That must be really hard for you and your sister."

Clara nodded, a small sigh escaping her lips. "Yeah, it's been tough," she admitted, her gaze drifting downward momentarily. "But we're trying to stay strong for each other."

Ricky reached out and gently squeezed Clara's hand, offering her a reassuring smile. "You don't have to go through this alone, Clara. I'm here for you, no matter what."

Clara's eyes lifted to meet Ricky's, gratitude shining in her gaze. "Thank you, Ricky," she said softly, a warmth spreading through her heart at his words. "It means a lot to me."

"Anything for you, baby," Ricky said tenderly, his lips curving into a gentle smile that melted Clara's worries, if only for a moment. She couldn't help but reciprocate with a soft smile, grateful for his unwavering support amidst the turmoil of her family situation. As he settled beside her on the bed, she felt the mattress dip slightly under his weight, a comforting reminder of his presence.

Sensing Clara's need for distraction, Ricky's eyes followed her movements as she rose from the bed with purpose. He watched as she crossed the room to a corner where a familiar guitar rested, its strings whispering of forgotten melodies and cherished memories. There was a quiet determination in Clara's demeanor as she retrieved the instrument, her fingers instinctively finding their place on the fretboard.

Returning to Ricky's side, Clara settled onto the bed once more, the guitar cradled in her arms like an old friend. She glanced at Ricky, a spark of resolve gleaming in her eyes. "I want to play something for you," she said softly, her voice carrying a hint of determination. "Something to ease our minds, if only for a little while."

With a nod of encouragement from Ricky, Clara began to strum the guitar, the familiar chords filling the room with a comforting melody. As the music flowed from her fingertips, she felt a sense of peace wash over her, enveloping her in its soothing embrace. And in that moment, with Ricky by her side and music as their solace, Clara knew that together, they could weather any storm that came their way.

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