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The slytherin boys react to: you having period cramps


Theodore Nott (ex boyfriend):

It was that time of the month again. I was walking through the corridors of Hogwarts hurriedly because my skirt was full of blood, and I was just wondering why the classrooms were far from the dormitories and why women had to suffer so much. I passed through the Great Hall and saw Theodore Nott talking to two girls. Stupid. How is it that after dating me for so long and two weeks after we took a break, he is already talking to other girls. We make eye contact, but then I turn away and continue walking towards the dorms.

I hear footsteps behind me, but I decide not to look back, because I'm sure it's Theo and I don't want to face him because if I do I'll cry, and because I have to change my clothes as quickly as possible.

- Y/n. - he calls for me. Fuck, I miss his voice so much. I continue to walk but my vision starts to get blurry and the pain intensifies. I take a deep breath and try to walk, but I feel cold sweat on my forehead and the back of my neck and I lean against the nearest wall and look at him.

- Theo...- I call out to him, as much as I don't want to face him, I'm not feeling well and I need his help - I think... I'm going to faint. - I say and stagger into his arms.

- Shh... I'm here. - He grabbed my body and made me look at him - Do you want me to take you to your dorm? - I nodded - Did you eat today? - I shook my head - It's 3pm, why haven't you eaten yet? Fuck baby, keep your eyes open...- he said, but I completely lost consciousness and passed out.

I open my eyes and see that I am in a different room than mine. Theo's room. I blink a few times to try to adapt. - Fuck Y/n, you were passed out for almost ten minutes! - he almost shouted. Well, it wasn't the reception I was expecting after passing out. - Do you know how scary it was for me? I did not know what to do. - now he shouted and I was perplexed looking at him.

- Well, you could have called Madam Pomfrey. Or maybe asked someone for help. - I sit on his bed, and I see that there is a towel under my legs with a bit of blood, he must have seen the stain on my skirt.

- You don't understand, do you? - he said now a little calmer - Don't you understand that it hurts me to know that now I can't be close to you and if something happens to you I won't be there. - he looked at me - What if I wasn't there today Y/n.

- Well, you were. And you're talking as if this is a recurring thing. I have my period, it's normal, I just fainted because I couldn't eat. - I said and stood up, staggering a little and Theo immediately ran to my side and held my elbow. - I need to go to my dorm so I can have a shower.

- I'm not going to let you go to your dorm alone and take a shower alone. You can take a shower here and you can only go when you eat something. - Theo said and took me towards the bathroom.

- You're talking to me like I'm a kid. - I said and sat on the toilet seat. Theo turned the water on in the shower to hot and then stood in front of me and took off my shoes.

- Can I? - He pointed to my skirt and I nodded. He unzipped my skirt and then pulled it down, then he took off my shirt and unfastened my bra, finally he took off my pantyhose and my underwear. And he must have seen the look of exhaustion on my face that, right after taking off my clothes, he picked me up and put me under the shower where the water ran at the perfect temperature.

- Sorry for yelling at you. - he said and started rubbing the shampoo into my hair. I was facing him, so I could see his serious gaze as he rinsed my hair and put on conditioner. He started rubbing the shower gel on my body with his hands, his touch without any malice, simply affection and love, and when he finally finished rubbing the shower gel on my feet and stood up, I looked at his eyes, and I completely broke down. He caught me against his body and I wrapped my arms around his neck. I missed him so much, and seeing him take care of me broke my heart because I knew we weren't together because of me, but even so he continued to take care of me as he did before.

- Theo...I love you so much... and I...I miss you so much. - I said between sobs. - I just thought it was the best for both of us, but these last two weeks have been killing me. - I said and he pulled my body back so I could face him.

- Baby, please don't cry. - he said, his voice breaking a little and wiping my tears - I'm here, I've always been and I'll always be here for you, Love. When you said you wanted to take a break from our relationship, I accepted and said I would wait for you. I'm here, okay? I will always be here, even though I may be the person you hate the most, I will be here, because you are the person I love most in this world, and I wouldn't be able to see you upset about something and not help you.

I hugged him again and he grabbed my wet body, wetting his clothes. - I'm just confused and I have so much on my mind at the moment. I never truly wanted to walk away from you, but it was my only option when insecurities started to appear again. - I said stroking his hair. - And then I always see you surrounded by girls and...

- They mean nothing to me, Love. - he interrupted me - Understand one thing, if we're together and you have a problem, talk to me, I'm sure we can find a solution, and if we don't, you'll have me by your side. I love you so much, and I don't want our story to end here, Baby, we'll get through this, I promise.

I disentangled myself from his embrace and looked at him before kissing him. I got out of the shower and he dried my body with a towel, and put some of his clothes on me. He combed my hair and dried it. Finally he laid me down on his bed, and went to get food for me and him.

- Do you want to crash here? - he asked looking at me from the other side of the bed - Say yes, please! - he stated and I started laughing. - I take that as yes.


Next part: Mattheo Riddle

Slytherin imagines.Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon