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The slythrin boys react to: you giving them a present.


Lorenzo Berkshire:

Enzo and I had a small argument two days ago, and I knew he was hurt, because he still hasn't spoken to me since then, and it's not usual for us to have arguments and not talk. So I decided to buy some sweatshirts, since most of the ones he has were in my dorm because I had borrowed them, and I decided to buy them because I know he likes them.

I was heading towards his dorm, when the door to his room opens and Enzo comes out.

- Hi y/n - he said with disappointment still in his voice. It made me so sad to see him like this and it was all my fault. - What are you doing here? - he asked.

- I came to talk to you, I want to solve things between us. - I said and he nodded and gave a small smile.

- I was going to your dorm to do the same thing! - he said and I felt relieved knowing that he wants the same thing as me. - Come in, we'll talk here in my room then.

I entered his room, and I put the bag with the sweatshirts I had bought earlier on the desk and sat down on the bed.

- What is this? - he asked and looked inside the bag seeing what I had bought for him. - This is for me? - I nodded and he thanked me, coming towards the bed, taking off his sneakers and then taking off my shoes so we could feel more comfortable.

He looked at me, half-expecting me to start talking, but I wasn't quite sure what to say. I wanted to apologize to him for what I had said to him two days ago, I wanted to tell him that that wasn't how I felt, I wanted to be okay with him.

- Enzo, I... - I started talking - I wanted to apologize for what I said to you two days ago, I shouldn't have said that to you, because that's not how I feel, I love it when you're with me, and all the affection you give me, and when I said that you were being a bit annoying because you just wanted attention, I was lying, I love you, and I love talking to you and being with you, - my voice was starting to break and I didn't know if it was because of nervousness or if this conversation was making me more sensitive - so I'm sorry, for everything I said, and if I really hurt you, it wasn't my intention at all. I love you.

- Y/n I thought the worst at that moment, I thought you were going to end our relationship - he said and my heart started to break little by little - I know that sometimes I exaggerate with hugs or kisses, and even the many times I compliment you, but it's because I love you so much and I thought it made you happy when I did that.

- And you do, you make me very happy - I interrupted him, already with tears in my eyes.

- I only ask, y/n, when you feel like it's too much, to tell me that you need space. - he explained.

- Do you forgive me? - I asked and a tear fell from my left eye, which was immediately wiped away by Enzo's thumb.

- Of course I do, love, I don't ever want to be like this with you again, it hurts me to be upset with you and it hurts me not to have spoken to you these two days, I wanted to have spoken, but I was scared that you wouldn't want to speak to me - he said and I pouted.

- During these two days I was trying to gain the courage to talk to you, I only decided to come here when I put myself in your position and realized I was wrong. - I said.

- I love you. - he said and kissed me.

- I love you too. - I said - You should try the sweatshirts babe.

He got up from the bed and took off the sweatshirt he had on looking at me and I bit my lip and he smirked. He took off the first sweatshirt out of the bag and tried it on.

- It looks good on me, don't you think? - he said looking in the mirror and I nodded - Try it! - he said, taking the sweatshirt off his body and throwing it on the bed so I could try it on, and I looked at him confused. - I already know that later you'll want me to lend you the sweatshirts, you might as well try them on with me. - he said and I laughed.

After we tried on the sweatshirts, we lay in bed, cuddling and he kept rubbing his hand on my back and I played with his hair. It was getting late and I was getting tired, so I decided to ask him if I could sleep in is dorm with him tonight.

- Can I sleep here today? - I asked and he looked up meeting my eyes and nodded - Can I borrow a sweatshirt?

- You can. - he said and giggled - Use the second one we tried, it looks really good on you. - he winked at me.


Next part: Theodore Nott

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