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The slytherin boys react to: them waking up from a nightmare.


Tom Riddle ( crushing ):

I was in the library studying, it was a few minutes after midnight, and I definitely shouldn't be out of my dorm, but the exams were almost here so I used to stay here studying and hoping no one would find me.

I used to come here with Tom sometimes to study, but he couldn't come today, and he said he didn't want me to come here without him, but I didn't like studying anywhere other than here in the library, so I came to here alone.

As soon as I finished studying, I took some notes that I had made for Tom, as in case he needed them, and headed towards his dorm. Since we established a more intimate relationship between the two of us, he started letting me go to his dorm whenever I wanted, but I had never been there at night, but today was going to be quick, I was going to go into his dorm , leave the notes on his desk, and leave without making any noise.

When I enter his dorm, I see him sleeping in one of the beds, and the other bed is completely empty, since he probably scared his roommate enough to have the dorm to himself. When I put the notes on the desk, I see that his diary is open, I had no intention of looking, but a small portrait of me caught my attention so I stayed there for a while longer admiring the drawing.

I hear Tom moving around in bed, so I decided to go back to my dorm because I don't want to wake him up, nor do I want him to wake up and see me looking at his diary. When I go to the dorm I get something to eat and as there was no one in the common room I go there and eat and read a bit of my book. When sleep starts to come, I finish the chapter and get up from the sofa, and when I turn to go towards my dorm, I see Tom sitting on the top step of the stairs staring at me, scaring me.

- What the hell are you doing here? Fuck, you scared me! - I said irritated going towards him.

- Why did you leave? - he asked.

- What?

- Why did you leave my room? - he asked again.

- Tom, why are you still awake? - I asked, avoiding his question.

- You still haven't answered my question! But I'll answer yours, I dreamed about you, I had a nightmare in which something bad happened to you. - he said.

-  Why are you here? - I asked.

- To make sure you're okay. - he said.

- Well I'm fine, you can go now. - I replied in the same annoyed tone he was speaking to me.

- I do not want to go. - he stated and stood up, coming towards me slowly.

- What exactly do you want Tom? - I asked looking up into his eyes.

- I want you to go to sleep. But I need you to sleep in my dorm, to make sure nothing happens to you. - he admitted, and I knew that Tom felt a little embarrassed when he said that, so I went easy on him.

- Nothing will happen to me Tom. - I assured him, but he took my hand and murmured "please". So I nodded and we headed towards his dorm. When we got there, I lay down on his bed and he took off the sweatshirt he was wearing,, and gave it to me to put on so I wouldn't get cold.

- Thanks for the notes. - he said, sitting at the desk.

- You are welcome. You're not going to sleep? Or you're going to be like a guard, to make sure no one comes in and kills me. - I joked and he rolled his eyes.

- Do you want me to sleep with you? - he asked and I patted the bed, to let him know that I wanted him to lie down next to me.

He laid down next to me and I hugged his body to get more comfortable. Tom and I weren't like that, well we had already admitted to each other that we liked each other's company, but I had never seen him so vulnerable, afraid that something would happen to me. Finally, Tom hugged my body too, making sure I would fall asleep before him.

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