Mattheo's special

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 Another year of my life has passed. Another birthday spent completely alone. 17 years, and many of those years were filled with happiness, until they took all the color out of my life and left it dark and joyless. Four years without my parents and my sister. Without friends. But I said it was okay to be alone, but feeling alone started to consume my mind lately, and nothing made sense to me anymore.

I was in the astronomy tower, it was a cold winter day, and I shouldn't have come without a coat as it was starting to rain and the strong wind made my body shiver from the cold. I put a candle in the chocolate cupcake and started singing happy birthday to myself.

As soon as I finished singing happy birthday, I blew out the candle and looked up at the cloudy sky. - For my 17th birthday, I wish that this year I have the strength to survive until I'm eighteen. I know it sounds a little depressing, but it's the truth. I'm here looking at the sky, waiting for some higher being to hear me. I have nothing in my life. If I've come this far, it's because I think life itself is beautiful, and I don't want to give up on it, but I need strength too. I basically have no problems, just a group of people that make me a little sad, I've never done anything to them, and I know I don't deserve what they do to me. I hope one day soon I wake up genuinely happy, wanting to get out of bed and do something I enjoy, until then, I lean out my window and look at the sky wishing for good things in my life.

I hear a noise behind me and see Mattheo Riddle looking at me with an unreadable expression. - What are you doing here? - I asked angrily.

- Well, smoking. - he said bored.

- How long have you been here? - I asked him and he just replied "a while". -Did you hear anything I said? - I asked nervously.

- Everything. - he said and lit the cigarette coming towards me - I didn't know you had such a miserable life y/n. Happy birthday by the way.

I didn't know if he was being serious or making fun of me, like he always did. I simply hated him and his friends. I grabbed my backpack and cupcake and headed towards the stairs

- Where are you going? - he asked.

- I'm leaving, you don't like my company and I don't like yours. And I don't want you to ruin my birthday, you've already ruined every other day of the year, I don't need this one to be ruined too. - I told him and he even seemed upset about what I had said.

- Don't be like that y/n, you need someone to talk to, and I'm here, it won't be talking to the sky that will make you feel better. - he said, sitting on the floor leaning against the wall.

 - Me? Talk to you? I prefer to talk to the sky, at least I know he won't say anything to hurt me.Bye Mattheo, it was great to see you. - I said ironically and he got up and grabbed my wrist.

- I'm being serious, stay here and talk to me, I need to talk to someone too. - he said and sat down on the floor again and I sat down facing him - So why did you wished that?

- Because it's what I want. - I said simply and he took the pack of cigarettes he had and pointed it in my direction and I took one.

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