"You...!" I cleared my throat again..." You raped me!"

Junseo huffed took a step towards me ""I only gave you what you deserved!" and at that moment I pulled the gun out of my waistband.

Junseo stared at me and his face melted away. I tried to keep my hand steady as I began to tremble.

My heart was racing like crazy, I could feel my pulse on my neck.

"Y/n!" he stuttered and slowly raised his hands. " What...what are you going to do with that thing!"

I aimed at his chest and it satisfied me to see that he was now in bondage to me.

"It was you, wasn't it? You started the fire?"

"Y/n! Put that thing down! Please!"

Junseo didn't move from his spot, his hands at the height of his chest... I could see the fear in his eyes.

"Admit it!" I whispered and the first tears started to roll.

"What the fuck! Admit what?" he whispered back " Y/n, please, you don't want this, you don't want to end up in jail!"

"You have her on your conscience, you killed Bora!"

"Shit...!" Junseo put his hands down carefully and took a step towards me.

"Come on Princess, you know I don't just have empty words and ... it was an accident!"

My throat tightened when I heard his words.

"You'll pay for this!" I whispered again, holding back my sobs.

"What are you going to do? Shoot me? Do you really think you can do that?" he huffed.

"You raped me, set the restaurant on fire and killed a young girl! I have nothing to lose except that I can never be with the man who truly loves me. I have nothing left to lose."

"Except that you'll end up in prison! Is that what you want?" Junseo closed the distance between us .

"Who says I want to be in prison?" I mumbled, sniffing away my tears.

"Why Junseo? Why?"

Junseo touched my face with his index finger and I felt him press his chest against the barrel of the gun.

"Because I fucking love you princess. I'll walk over dead bodies just to make you mine!"

"You don't regret anything?" I asked and unloaded the gun. The clicking sound made him flinch briefly.

Junseo bent down to my ear...
"Not for a single second. You've been a good princess and this gun won't make me flinch..."

And I pulled the trigger....

He immediately slumped to the ground and I gasped for air. I did it, I fucking did it.

That damn burden ... it was gone. I slumped next to him, his face contorted in pain, the corners of his mouth filled with blood... "Fuck!" he stammered...

"I love him ... He was the light at the end of my tunnel! ..." I whispered to Junseo. "You were my hell...you and my parents...my life...!"

"Help...me...Y/n!" I saw that his breath was fading." Please!"

I leaned over him ...

"Look at me!" I said quietly...

Junseos became short of breath...he kept gasping for air.

"Y/n!....Please!" his words were barely audible.

"I'm the last thing you'll see!" I whispered.

I have no idea how long I leaned over him...but at some point he just stared at me.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 15 ⏰

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