Part 5

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I pushed Junseo's hand off my knee.

"Why do you have to drive me to Doctor Wang? I thought my driver was going to take me!" I scooted a little further to avoid him touching me again.

"Princess, I told you your mother asked me to!" he grinned....

I was annoyed, stressed and I hated sitting with him in cramped spaces like his car.

The smell of his car gave me a headache and the thought of what he had said to me in the office just before made me panic.

"Stop the car Junseo!" I could hardly breathe...

"I'm not going to do that. Otherwise you'll get some stupid ideas!"

"Stop the... damn car!"

Junseo pulled over and locked the doors. He turned to me...

"The car's stopped!"

"Let me out!" I closed my eyes and took a deep breath because I suddenly felt sick.

"Princess, I'm not going to do that. I know you're leaving." he replied and started the engine.

"If you don't want me to throw up in your car, then let me out!"

Junseo looked at me in disgust and the next moment I heard the doors of the car open.

I got out and took a deep breath...

"Okay Y/n! Get back in the car!" I turned to him and suddenly this adrenaline rush came over me.

"Come on Y/n!" he looked at me from the car.

My pulse jumped from zero to a hundred and all the synapses in my brain connected....

I ran off.....

I ran and ran without a destination. It felt so damn free...

My heart beat against my chest with every meter I ran away from Junseo.

I heard him calling for me, but I didn't turn to face him. If I did, maybe I would give in and go back.

Then he would take me to Doctor Wang. She would declare me crazy and who knows, maybe I would end up in a psychiatric ward.

The next corner was mine and I turned...past stores, street vendors and people I envied for their lives...

Completely out of breath, I ran into the next restaurant ....

I smiled even though I had to gasp for air ... but I was proud of myself .

I exhaled, turned around and bumped into someone.

"Oh my God Kim Y/n!" I heard someone say.

"Sorry...!" and I looked into his eyes. Bora was standing right behind him and smiling.

"Wow!" said Jungkook " That's a coincidence right?"

"What...what do you mean?" I asked confused.

"Did I forget something or why are you here?" he asked me.

I cleared my throat ..." I...I wanted something to drink...Yes...Iced Americano..."

Jungkook side eyed me...
"In our restaurant? Iced Americano? You have to go to the nearest café. We are a fish restaurant!"

I cleared my throat, feeling caught out by him.
"Maybe I wanted to eat something!"

"In our restaurant? Strange that you chose this one!" He turned around and left ...

Bora stood in front of me with a big grin on her face.

"How did you know?" she asked me.

"How do I know what?" I asked back...

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