Part 10

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I entered the office building and couldn't stop the smile on my face.

A week has passed and there have been two dates since then. Secretly. With the help of my grandma.

We kissed, held each other and talked, realizing we had so much in common.

Our favorite color is black, we both love dogs and, above all, good food.

Every time we were together, I hoped that time would stand still and the planet would belong to just the two of us.

"Hey Y/n!" shouted Sindy from reception. "That smile suits you!" she winked at me.

Gosh, I should stop walking around here like a bird in love.

When I got to my office, I saw the new team in the meeting room.

I frowned and put my bag on my desk as my father's secretary came in.

"Why is the new team here?" I asked her ...

"Oh, new fireproof racing suits distributed today." she said, put the pile of papers on my desk and left.

That means Jungkook will be here soon, because I could see him.

And there it was again...that smile that I couldn't use here now.

My father's secretary came back and told me to be in my father's office in five minutes.

I nodded and wondered what he wanted. He'd only called me into his office once before and that was when the new team signed the contracts.

I was on my way to my father's office when someone grabbed my hand and pulled me into the company kitchen.

My heart was racing and as soon as the door was closed I felt his lips on mine.

My fingers dug into his shirt and I pulled him closer to me.

"I missed you!" he said softly as he kissed me.

I reluctantly broke the kiss but a slight panic ran through my body.

"You can't just kiss me here, what if someone comes in!" I said and my arms went around his waist.

Jungkook gently ran his palm over my cheek and kissed me tenderly.

"I'll take the risk!" he whispered. " I've missed you. "

"I missed you too!" and a shy smile flitted across my face.

"I ... have a surprise for you!" he kissed the tip of my nose. "A Christmas present!"

"Oh wow.... !" I said... "I don't have one for you yet!"

Jungkook gently took my face between his palms.... "You are my present. "

I smiled in love and kissed the corner of his mouth.

" Can you somehow manage to sneak out tonight?" he asked me.

"It's not easy for me to get out without someone breathing down my neck," I sighed.

"At least try... Please!"

I looked at him and nodded. Every minute without him is a minute wasted.

"I can ask my grandma for help or Sona! I have her to thank that I could go to the ice rink!"

My grip on his waist tightened and I pulled him closer to me.

"We have to be careful Jungkook. " I whispered.

He kissed me tenderly again and I wished time would stand still.

"I'll let you know when and where okay? Before that, I have to make sure everything goes well." he whispered back.

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