“Amal, are you feeling better now?” Dina asked, concern evident in her voice. Amal could tell Dina was blaming herself for it, even though she had nothing to do with it. Amal wanted to assure her, but she did not have the energy to do so. She felt weak, helpless and confused. Amal could not describe how she felt, all of the negative emotions had overwhelmed her. She wanted to be left alone so she could cry her heart out.

“Alhamdulillah” Amal let out after getting her words together. She did not want to lie, so she replied like any other muslim.She wasn't the happiest but she was grateful, her situation was much better than others.Thankful to God, because she knew that he had promised her ease after this hardship.

Another reason being no one can understand what's going inside of her expect Allah (ﷻ).

Dina realised that Amal wanted some time alone when she saw her staring at the blanket aimlessly, lost in her thoughts. Dina was about to leave after assuring Amal that she'll be here when she needs her and to not hesitate when asking for her, she stopped when her brother entered the room.

Dina stared at him in disappointment, but she was not surprised. He was not bothered about Amal at all, Dina couldn't help but ask “Bhai, where were you?”

“Work.”He replied, taking his watch off as he placed it on the accessory table. Amal closed her eyes tightly, trying not to think much about his words.

“What do you mean work, bhai?” Dina spoke in disbelief.“The same work that I told you about yesterday, Dina.” Khizr replied lightly, not giving much heed to Dina.

To say Dina was in disbelief, was an understatement.She knew her brother gave great importance to his work, but it came out as a shock that he gave his work more importance than the safety of the woman he was in charge of.

“You were thirty minutes away, bhai. Thirty! And you couldn't come up to check on your wife's safety.” Dina scoffed at his excuses. Amal was feeling greatly overwhelmed by the drama, she just wanted it to end. She wanted them to go and fight outside where she couldn't hear their voices.

“She's alive and breathing! She did not die and even if she were to die, my presence is not going to give her life so stop!” Khizr retorted back, anger rising in him.

Dina was about to reply to him but stopped when she saw Amal holding her head and eyes tightly closed, indicating hoe disturbed she felt by their argument. Khizr took this chance and went into the washroom after taking his clothes from the closet.

“Sorry, Amal. Take some rest and let me know if you need anything. ” Dina said, making Amal nod a little as she laid on the bed once again.

It was midnight and Amal still couldn't bring herself to sleep because of her unexplainable back pain, she kept changing sides in discomfort. Amal looked at the man who was sleeping beside her, peacefully lost in his own world.

He didn't even bother asking her about her health once, not that Amal cared but she was shocked at how quickly he changed his colours. He told her he was trying to give this marriage a chance but was this his way of giving it a chance? To not even have an ounce of sympathy to ask if she was fine.

Amal groaned when she felt another wave of pain travel through her back, the pain was unbearable and odd. It was a pain she never had felt before. Amal couldn't bear the pain and all of the overwhelming emotions she felt, and ended up giving up to her tears.

“Why can't you just let me have a good night's sleep?” Khizr whined in his deep voice, lifting himself up on his arm and turning the lamp on to make everything visible.

Amal widened her eyes in shock and fear when she heard his voice and in no time, a dim light took over the place. She quickly turned on her side with her back facing him, not wanting him to see her crying Instantly regretting as her back pain increased immensely.

“Sorry.”She apologised, wanting him to go back to sleep and leave her alone.But was she ever lucky enough for him to listen to her?

Amal was taken aback when she felt his face slightly coming on top of her, he had leaned in, from her back, to see what's wrong with her. Amla pushed his face away, “What's wrong with you?” she questioned his mental state, her voice raising.She was glad she laid with her back facing him because if she didn't, she would have to witness his glares and attempts to intimidate her.

“What's wrong with you, woman? Why on earth are you crying at 2am in the morning!” Khizr retorted back, pulling her sleeves to make her lay on her back and  be able to see him. Amal groaned and took a deep breath, with her eyebrow frowning, making a few wrinkles form on her forehead indicating the extreme pain she went through as he pulled her with a jerk.

“Speak!” Khizr raised his voice, getting annoyed at her stubbornness.

“My back hurts, so bad.” She told him, facing the other way in embarrassment as a tear escaped her eyes but her hand quickly followed its way and wiped it from her face.

“Great! Why don't you go out again? Who told you to get out of the room in the middle of the night, especially the night I wasn't in the house?” Khizr spoke sarcastically, mocking the situation.

‘If his house is only safe when he's in the house, why did bother hiring these guards’ Amal wanted to ask him, but she restrained herself not wanting to make him angry. Especially not when she is in pain. Plus, it would all go in vain even if she asked the question, she was fully aware of his double standards when it came to her.

Even if it was his fault or his worker's fault, his fingers would only ever point at her.

After all, she wasn't innocent in his eyes but a cunning daughter of his enemy.

“Lay on your stomach.” Khizr spoke out of nowhere, confusing Amal. “I'll give you a massage” Khizr said, Amal thought he was joking but when she saw his serious face, she couldn't help but think he had lost the plot.

Amal couldn't hold her laugh in as she started laughing at his face, his ridiculous suggestion was worth a laugh. Khizr was taken aback by her laugh, this was the first time he had seen her show any other emotion except crying and being frightened.It did not settle well with him, Khizr frowned as confusion took over him wondering if he said something wrong?

“I think you worked so much that it's affecting your mental state now, husband. Go back to sleep.” Amal started laughing once again, seeing the confusion on his face.

She could not help but wonder if he has severe undiagnosed Alexithymia because of his lack of emotional intelligence.

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