Subject 9: Redemption From the Black King

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Or is it?

Before long, Kushida came running back with a bottle of water. She sat beside me before she put a bottle of water into my hand as her face goes more and more concern.

"Are you really sure nothing wrong, Ayanokouji-kun? You're...looking feverish." She said, worried than ever.

'I should've known how to handle this kind of moment. What's wrong with me?' I pondered once more as everything gotten even more and more fuzzy. My mind automatically scan everything that has happened between me and Arisu.

'Maybe, that time when I freed myself from the suspicion of having the 20.000.000 points that she sent me. Maybe she has the control at the moment. Did I really free myself during that time?'

'Or when she tried to kill Karuizawa, knowing that I'll react the way I did, she doesn't kill her and even try to frame...Did she knew that I would never kill her?'

'What more events that she predicted than its visible. During the Cruise Ship test? Does she knew every answer? Am I just living under her control...'

A large thud echoed throughout the D Class tent as I, pathetically fainted to the floor below out of overthinking and the thought of me even having a chance against .

"Ayanokouji-kun? Ayanokouji-kun!?"

There I was, lifted by both Sudou and Hirata as I become something that I've never imagine.

A burden.

I could hear the entire reader community gasping from this one sentence...

Waking up, I darted my eyes around the room I was in. Seeing Albert at the other bed, I could tell that he was knocked out cold by you-know-who.

I closed my eyes to process every bit of information from taking from the entire room. After solving the Goldbach's Conjecture, divided by the number of the entire digits stored in π, and multiply by the 2 tetrated by 4. I've found that first, my brain is still functioning, and two, I'm in the infirmary.

All I could say is, I could still think after I fried my brain with 1 Petabyte worth of speculations.

...I could swear that joke was dry as fu-

Opening my eyes to see that Arisu has taken a chair and sat beside my bed. Choosing to still lay down on my bed, I tried to not let any voice possible.

Noticing my position, she let out a chuckle before gazing back at my form. "Oh my, never thought I would see you in this way, Kiyo-kun~"

"What do you want, Arisu-san?"

"Nothing really. Just wanted to see how far I've buried your pride into the ground." Keeping her smile, she continued, amping up her sarcastic and mocking tone.

"It's quite impressive that you've fainted for only ten minutes. As expected from a white room student. Well, I could get up in five minutes, but you probably could when you're a child, right?"

'What's this?'

"To be honest, do you know that I've lifted barely a finger in even crushing you like this. You do remember when I gone full force, right?"

Barely hearing anything that she said, my mind reverted back to when we were in the white room experiment. The first ever defeat that I have ever felt in my life.

"Checkmate, Ayanokouji-san." She exclaimed, kicking my body like I was a corpse. That was the first time I ever even felt an emotion. I gazed my bloodshot eyes to hers as all I hear were my own breath, my life hanging from a cliff.

Classroom of the Elite: The Rule of TwoHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin