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Ever since the disappearance of the legendary hero Paw Noir, a new hero known in the 21st century was known as Ladybug who also wielded the magic jewelry just like the legendary hero. She has heard the stories about him and got inspired by his heroics.

Right now she was swinging across the buildings. The city did have a few wars over the century without Paw Noir. Like World War 1 and 2. But of course, the major pandemic of the 21st century started in 2019 when everyone discovered a new virus and was forced to wear masks for two years. But as for now, it was seemingly reduced to a simple disease.

Ladybug passes by the mansion that was built in 1862 by the Agreste family but ever since the disappearance of Adrien Agreste, the Agreste family had no heir and had to pass the will to the Graham de Vanily which will one day be owned to the only descendant Felix Graham de Vanily. Many think he was the spitting image of the supposed late Adrien, only with a slicked-back hairstyle. The same story was still passed through future generations of the disappearance of Paw Noir and Adrien Agreste. Ladybug then goes up to a statue of Adrien. History tells them that he was the perfect son of Gabriel Agreste, the famous fashion designer to create a better future for generations to come by to one day be inspiring artists and even Ladybug herself.

Ladybug looked closer at the statue, "He's such a handsome boy"

Even the park had a statue of Paw Noir, the legendary hero who's ever been beloved by Paris with a kind heart, especially the cat's meow. No one knew what happened when he disappeared, leaving Paris unprotected for over a century. Rumors say that his soul is still around between heaven and earth. But those were just silly rumors for people today to pass this story to future generations.

"If only there was someone like him," Ladybug said.


At the abandoned catacombs, a group of grave robbers was interested in stealing ancient old jewelry from old decayed bodies that are now dead old skeletons.

"Big ass rat, man! This is a challenge as we are going into hell" One of them said.

"Hell is where these catacombs haunt intruders," The leader said.

"Just don't awaken the dead from under the 16th century," The robber said.

"There could be some from the late 19th century," Another robber said.

"Quiet!" The leader found a hollow brick wall, "Give me that damn shovel. Something's behind this wall"

"I think a sledgehammer will do better" One goon suggested.

"Whatever. Just smash this wall as hard as you can before we deal with some rat shit again" The leader said.

They smashed the wall down and they saw a coffin lying there.

"Yo! A hidden coffin? Too much secrets of whoever died decades ago" The robber said.

"With chains on the coffin? It's not likely for a person to be buried alive. There's no way" The leader said, wondering why they put chai s around the coffin.

"No one can survive being in a coffin alive. They'll suffocate to death. Or maybe there's no dead body in it" The robber said.

"Whatever or whoever is in the coffin, get it open!" The leader said impatiently.

They took out the crowbars and started to pry the lid open after breaking the chains.

As they did, inside was a young teenage catman who looked dead but not decayed.

"Seriously? A goth punk catman?" The leader glanced.

The robber poked his cheek to be sure it was dead and yet no response, "Impossible. The coffin is very old but he doesn't look decayed"

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