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When Porsche learned to never put any deeper feelings to anyone, its's a very impossible task to do. He's a social butterfly, he wanted to be friends with everyone. He wanted to show love, care and respect to everyone. When he became the next leader of the minor family and was told to never get attached to anyone with no special status, he tried, he really did but it's very difficult to act cold hearted to anyone who's being nice to him.

" I know it's hard but for your safety and and for everyone, you should listen to me." That's what Kinn told him when he confessed.

" I can't ignore them Kinn, I don't want to be the next Gun or anyone who's inhuman to them. I wanted to be their trusted leader, the leader they can always approach, the leader-" Kinn hushing him gently made him stopped.

" I know, I know sweetheart, but please, it will hurt more when the time comes that they will left us. If they decided to break their contract to us or when they finish their duty protecting our family."

Of course, Kinn's right, many closed friends of them betrayed them. Many loyal ones died by protecting them. It hurts so much, just by thinking about the past, when Porsche was still the head bodyguard. The death that they can never prevent because it's their job, their duty to protect their leader.

" You should wear the mask of a fearless leader. The mask that no one can ever see the real you. You should practice wearing a mask that can cover the real emotion that you wanted to express to everyone."

And Porsche did. The bodyguards became more on alert whenever he's around. They always make sure to never make any mistake to never get under Porsche's nerve. Porsche tried to be the cold heartless leader and many respected and treat him like a god. He hated it.

Then a simple mistake made a very big impact to everyone.

Porsche removed the mask he's been wearing for a long time just for a few seconds. He did not know that it can make a big impact to everyone, especially to his loved once.

He lowered his guard and approach a person he thought a close friend, like a family. But he did not notice the threat that has been hanging around ever since he stepped inside the factory.

He did not even manage to register what's happening because he was suddenly in so much pain. He can felt that he's falling forward with the unbearable pain in his chest.

Beside his heart. NEAR his heart.

" You should listen to your husband Khun Porsche, this should not be happening to you." Porsche tried to look up, he can see the person who he thought was loyal to the Theerapanyakun for years, standing in front of him, gun draw and the barrel pointing at him.

" I know..." That's all he said just when the warehouse erupted into chaos. Porsche lay there, just listening to the gunshots and the cries of those who's fighting. The pain started to fade being replaced by numbness.


He can heard someone calling him but he can't tell where's the voice coming from.

" Babe, please open your eyes..." The pleading voice reached him to the chore.

Just when did he closed his eyes?

" Kinn..." Porsche whispered, voice low and weak, he tried to open his eyes and despite the dark spots dancing in the corner of his eyes, he can clearly see Kinn's terrified, tears stained face, staring at him.

" Darling, please hold on, the help is on their way. Please dear." Kinn begged, he's biting his lower lip to control his sobs.

It's a lie. They will never make it. He lost too much blood already and the wound is fatal. He cannot even feel his body staring from his neck down to his toes.

" Don't...cry... I'm sorry for...for not listening to-" he coughed blood, it splattered into his chest, Kinn made a terrified sound.

" Don't talk anymore, please save your strength. Don't leave me please. I cannot live without you. I will be lost without you."

Kinn cried, his tears falling into Porsche's face, he tried to lift his arm up to wipe away the tears in his beloved husband's face but found no strength to do so.

" you... forever, please don't...forget about me..." He plead, he wanted Kinn to never forget about him but not to close his heart to everyone.

" You...can love again...but don't forget about me..." I added, Kinn shook his head. He held Porsche tighter, the hand he tried to press into his chest loosening.

" I will never forget about you my love. I will never love anyone aside from you. I will love you until my last breath. I love you, I will always love you."

Porsche smiled, he wanted to say more but the numbness started to crawl it's way up that he can hardly talk or open his mouth to speak. So he just smiled and started feeling light headed.

" I know you're tired. I will let you rest now, you've been tired and fighting for so long, I know your tired. Rest now my dear heart." Then Kinn kissed his forehead. Porsche closed his eyes, he can feel being lifted but that's all when everything faded.

And he felt at peace.

" You did so well my little firebird, I am so proud of you."

" Mae..."

" Let's go now, you can tell your stories to us while we wait for the others. Your Pa is waiting for us."

Porsche accepted the hand being offered to him and followed the person he missed for so long.

Helloooooo! I am back with this short story. It's been a month since I'm gone, I am really sorry to be away but I cant ignore my work. This is the first story that I updated first because I've been keeping this draft for quite some time now. I will update my other story 'MEANT TO BE' not for so long from now.

I am still writing the other part of my story because it's really messy and has so much confusing parts. I can't even understand my storyline sometimes but I fixed it and I will update it if it's ready.

Thank you for patiently waiting and for the support you guys gave to me. I am very honored to write these fanfictions for everyone who has wild fantasies and imaginations for KinnPorsche.

Please don't forget to vote and follow, feedback is highly appreciated. 💚🐤💛

Thank you very much and have a good day.

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