"Okay! That's what they all say. You think the road to hero town is paved with real crime? No! It's paved with the tears of the poor paper man. And who helps that guy? I'll tell you who; we are who," Leo said while pacing.

"Yes!" The turtles yelled.

"They're gonna have a lot to learn," Blaze said.

"Yep, they do," Marine said.

Meanwhile we started running across the city's rooftops. We finally stop on one roof to look down. Don using his goggles.

"What kind of weirdo steals paper?" Vector asked.

"A dreamer. You look at a blank sheet and see nothing. They see possibilities . . . Ack!" Mikey exclaimed as Raph elbows him in the back.

"There's only one store they haven't hit yet, and it is right over there . . . oh, convenient," Donnie said.

"How 'bout we go stealth and make 'em wish they stole toilet paper?" Raph joked as we started chuckling.

We leap down. Street view of two thieves stealing paper, both with flames burning above their heads. All of us are bracing themselves suspended above the street between two buildings.

Mikey lands on Raph's shell and he loses his grip and falls. Cat shrieks. Leo and Don jump down after their brothers. Some of us went in opposite directions as turtles charged at them.

"Half of us, go left. Mikey and the other half, go right. I'll take the roof and swoop down like a boss!" Raph announced.

"Let us join in on that," Shadow said as some of us followed him.

Some of us chase the Foot Lieutenant. Mikey throws his Kusari-fundo at the Foot Brute, but it wraps around a fire plug as the Brute rounds a corner.

"Whoa!" Mikey exclaimed while flying around.

"Look out," I yelled until we landed ourselves in a pile.

"Where are they?" Sonic asked while groaning.

"That is you, right?" Tekno muffled.

"Swoopin' like a boss!" Raph, Shadow, Knuckles, Jet, Wave, Storm, Kai, Cole, Vector, and Amy yelled as they jumped off the top of the building.

"No, no, no!" Leo said while waving his arms.

"Guys, hold up! Hold up!" I exclaimed.

Raph and the others landed hard on all of us.

"Ow!" We all exclaimed.

We went off flying everywhere and the van screeched around a corner, back door open and paper flying all over. Van disappears.

"Uh, quick question. Did we seriously just get schooled by paper thieves?" Tails asked in anger.

"I don't swoop like a boss. I swoop like a noob," Raph said, sadly.

"Wrong, my friend. We swooped like a big boss," Vector said.

"Man, this seemed like a really cool idea until we didn't succeed at it," Mikey said, sadly.

"I knew we should've picked something extreme," I grumbled.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! Where'd my brothers and friends go?" Leo asked as he got up.

"Mikey, Y/n, where's your . . . legendary optimism?" Leo asked as he pointed at me and Mikey with the pommel of his sword.

Mikey and I groan as a response.

"You guys, where's your, ya know, your go-getter attitude?" Leo asked as he turned to Raph, Shadow, Knuckles, Jet, Wave, Storm, Kai, Cole, Vector, and Amy

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