Even the eyes of the dead corspe seemed to hold fear and it was then that she knew that this was bigger than her.

Suddenly, she didn't want to know who committed the act.


"How long do you plan on refraining yourself from asking the questions I'm sure you're thinking about?" Ezra asks from behind Genesis, making her blink from her dazed state.

She eyes remained on the starkys in the village from where she stood on the balcony, watching as they all conversed and trained with each other. Their slow and cautious movements seemed forced. Perhaps it was an attempt to form a sense of normality from being in a completely different body for the last few decades.

Her chest tightened. They had yet to find out about the threat. Had yet to retaliate and act on the offense. An offense done by the very same Lycans she was trying to mend past wounds with. All these starkys that she healed had to live in uncertainty as if them coming back from being vicious blood sucking creatures were all for nothing.

They all might as well be good as dead.

"I don't know where to begin." Genesis says, distant but calm. "How does one think to ask about if their life is in danger by the very people that have vowed to protect you?"

"That's a start." Ezra says, much closer to her now. His smell of cider and oak engulfed her senses and it caressed her shuddering skin. "If you don't know where to begin, then ask the right ones. Not the impulsive ones. Ask the ones that wrecks your very soul."

"But, there's so many of them." Genesis says softly, her hands ran along the pavement of the balcony edge. Her mind fighting to distract herself from the rage that was burning within. "There's the ones that I'm utterly scared of asking you and then the others that I know will hurt me."

"You may ask me and I'll be sure to answer to the best of my ability and knowledge." Ezra says. "If that will help to relax your mind."

"I don't want to relax. Not right now." She shakes her head . "Not when there's so much at stake with my decisions. Not when the life of these people rest in my hands. It just seems hopeless because you don't seem to want to..."

"Tell you about myself?" He finished for her. "I can if that's what you truly want."

Genesis turned around to look up at her huge mate. His height never failed to make her nervous. Silver orbs stared back at golden ones and she sighed.

"You say that now but, whenever I ask of you to tell me more about you, you always say that story is for another time." She says, narrowing her eyes. "You know so much about me, and yet, I hardly know what created you to be the man that stands before me today."

A few minutes passed and it was just then that she really saw the storm that swam in his eyes, putting up resistance to let go and tell her just who he really was. She could still see the mental walls that he securely put up, refusing to give her access in.

"Please." Genesis begs. "Let me in."

Because if Ezra did not let her in, his own pride would be the very ruin of their reign and he knew it.

Suddenly, the storm had stopped.

"I could let you into my mind. My world." Ezra says, his voice a tone she could not read. "Let you hear it.  See it, feel it...endure it."

"How?" Genesis asks him.

He takes her hand, leading her away from the balcony, closing the door so that no one else could see what he was about to show her.

The Queen's Sunrise | Starkys Series #2Where stories live. Discover now