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Hi everyone. I do not know how many of you are still waiting on this book, but I have something I need to ask. Should I continue writing this?

I started this fanfiction a little while after finishing The Vampire Diaries. I wrote it because, even though many people don't agree, I believe in Steroline. Caroline and Stefan just made me so happy. Being able to see that after all those years of having mixed/different feelings for and about each other, that they ended up together. I believe in their story. It's honestly why I watched The Vampire Diaries in the first place. Plus, Caroline may or may not be my favourite character. I just love her journey, okay. I just wanted to give them the happy ending they deserved.

So, all I want to know is if you guys, as the readers think this book is worth continuing. Please let me know your thoughts in the comments. If there is enough or even just a few people who still want this book to be finished, I promise I will try my best to get a chapter out every week. Thank you for reading.

xoxo, Your Very Apologetic Author.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Mar 15 ⏰

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