The Wailing Woman

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Stefan's POV~

Looking into her eyes, I was so, so happy. She is my ray of sunshine, my everything. Her personality, her beauty, the way she laughs. She's absolutely perfect to me. She looks at me with such a strong, unbreakable gaze of love.

We stare into each other's eyes for a bit longer, just grateful to be able to be together once more. Caroline begins to move off of me, directing me to her bed. She lays down next to me, nuzzling her head into my neck. I wrap my arms around her and pull her closer, completely focused on her.

We both lay there just enjoying one another's company. I let go of her once before because I was thinking of everybody other than us. I will not make the same mistake again.

We're there for who knows how long, laying in a blissful silence.

Caroline sits up after we hear a high-pitched squeal from downstairs. Caroline runs straight to the door, swinging it open, and rushing back down the stairs, me right behind her. As we make our way down, I can see that she knows something about whatever is going on. I could always read her, I'm glad that I still can.

Finally reaching the bottom of what felt like a never-ending staircase, I look around to see everybody looking at each other in silence. It seems like Caroline, and from what I can tell, Bonnie are the only ones that have any idea of what that scream-like sound was.

"They found us," is all that Caroline said, before running into a room behind her and re-emerging with a black duffle bag. "I think it might just be one," Bonnie whispered whilst Caroline handed her the duffle bag.

They cautiously scanned the nearby area, seemingly looking for anything out of place or suspicious.

"Do you think it's benevolent or malevolent?" Asks Bonnie as she reaches into the bag. Caroline looks directly into her eyes, "I definitely think its malevolent. If it wasn't, it wouldn't be trying freaking kill us!"

Bonnie rolls her eyes. "Noted, " she whispers sarcastically.

I look over to the others, noticing I'm not the only one who's confused. Lizzie and Josie seem to be the only ones who aren't confused, but that makes sense considering that they've visited before.

"Would you mind filling us in on what's going on?" I question. Caroline sighs and looks at Bonnie, who pulls a blade made of pure gold out of the duffle bag. The blade shimmered in the light filtering into the room through the windows. 

They seem to be having some sort of conversation with their eyes, seemingly contemplating what they were going to do.

They turn to us looking slightly irritated, but more than anything, dead serious. "It's a banshee. The thing outside is a banshee. If it's not a rogue banshee, then I'm guessing it's a part of an organisation that has been trying to track me down since they found out that I was pregnant. They are after the kids and I." Caroline said it all with an unreadable expression, well, unreadable to everyone but me. She was upset, annoyed and so many other emotions. Most of all, she was angry.

"Benevolent banshees wail when they sense death, whereas malevolent banshees wail to make humans go crazy and, well, bash their heads in and go insane," says Bonnie, understandably irritated.

"Why are they after you guys?" Asks Elena, raising her hand up in a motion of confusion. I'm sure that we all have that same question. Caroline sighs and tells us, "I am a vampire that can carry and birth biological children. Many people see that as an opportunity because I can pass on my vampire gene to my children. That means that people can have powerful hybrid heirs. They are after the children because they are hybrids."

Wait, what? How are they hybrids if they have both Caroline and I as parents. That doesn't make sense. That's not possible unless...-

I'm pretty sure that she could sense my confusion or something because she sighed and looked at me, cutting off my thoughts. "I went to New Orleans to get some of Hope's blood after I found out that I was pregnant. That's how they are hybrids." That makes this even more confusing. Why would she do that? Why did she need her blood?

I figured that she was done talking about the topic considering how fast she stood up to grab the blade out of Bonnie's hand. "Care, we need to do this quickly. We are running out of time," Bonnie whispers.

They carefully walk towards the windows, looking out for the Banshee. They tell us to hide behind anything we can. We all find good hiding places except for Damon, who stupidly hid behind a potted plant. 

Caroline looks at Damon and says, "really." My brother sheepishly moves, only after making a snarky comment, to hide next to Elena and the kids, who are hiding behind a wall on the other side of the room than I am.

Bonnie and Caroline strategically move to the end of each side of the window, getting into position. I peek out the side of the couch that I'm hiding behind and watch the window's glass shatter and suddenly burst. I am disoriented for a bit due to a loud screeching sound that knocked out my senses, but when I do regain them, I see something that I could never have imagined.

A monstrous face. Long, dried out grey hair, red gleaming eyes, and sharp, pointy teeth. A rare supernatural creature right before our eyes. Well, maybe just my eyes considering that everybody else was actually hiding and not stupidly watching the fight. But I couldn't help it. Caroline and Bonnie moved like experts, on both offensive and defensive fronts. It was impressive. Their movements were like water, swift, smooth and graceful.

Watching them was hypnotic.

They go back and forth between being on the offensive and defensive, Bonnie using her magic and Caroline using some amazing fighting skills. Where did she even learn how to fight like that? They both look so composed out there, how many times have they done this?

In the middle of what looks like a simultaneous attack, Bonnie rushes backwards, creating a significant amount of distance between her and the Banshee. She starts chanting an offensive spell whilst Caroline was keeping it occupied. When Bonnie hit the Banshee with her spell, it set fire, screeching loudly. This allows Caroline an opening. She moves quickly, pulling her arm back and stabbing the Banshee in the heart with the golden blade.

The banshee wails, forcing us all to cover our ears, it's scream piercing through the room. When we all take our hands off our ears, the corpse is gone. All that remains is ash and dust. "Yeah," Bonnie's breath staggers whilst she wipes some of the blood dripping from her nose with the back of her hand, "definitely malevolent."

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