So, This Is Happening

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Stefan's POV~


My head is a hurricane of thoughts and feelings that I can't even put a name to. I feel frozen, as if time is standing still and it's just me, sitting there for hours and hours when in reality it had only been a couple of seconds.

I have kids. Three of them. Caroline was right, I had wanted kids. I had wanted them so badly that it hurt. I love Lizzie and Josie; I see them as my daughters, and they see me as a second Father. I never really thought I could have my own kids. No vampire does, but I guess that's the thing with the supernatural, you never really know anything. Everything is possible.

Though, this is something I had never even considered a possibility. Of course, I had dreamt of having children with Caroline before, but now it's real. They're in front of me. Flesh and bones. It was so much more than just a dream now. It was my life.

It wasn't their life though. They don't know me, and I don't know them. I can imagine what they're like, I have always known that Caroline would be a good Mother, even before Lizzie and Josie came along. I had missed a whole 6 or so years of their lives and all I can do know is make up for lost time.

I finally look around to see everyone shocked, excluding Damon that is. He looks as if he had guessed that they were mine earlier today. Though, judging by his face he probably hadn't expected to be right.

I turn back around to look at Caroline and Elena, Elena seems to be just staring intensely off into the distance. For a split second there's this look on her face, I think that it's remorse, or maybe regret, though I can't tell what for. She suddenly turns her head to face Caroline again, looking at the kids, then Care, and smiling. 

"Congratulations," Elena replies happily. "Why did you leave, though? We could've protected you guys," she asks. "That's the thing Elena, you couldn't have. Maybe you guys used to be able to when you and Damon were Vampires, but you're not anymore, and this is not me trying to guilt trip you. I just think that we all know that you guys couldn't have protected us from Stefan's numerous enemies. Bonnie was the only one who could protect us, so, we took the best course of action that we could come up with in the moment. I don't regret it, that choice saved my kids' lives, and for that reason I will not apologise for running, just that I didn't tell you."

Elena looks to be contemplating what she should say next and ended up just staring off into the distance again. They sit around in a reflective silence for a while, that is until we hear the door violently swing open and slam against the wall. 

The mystery person walks in with a lot of heavy looking bags, placing them carefully on the floor one by one. "So, I was at the register when I ran into Cathy, " Caroline groans at the mention of the name, standing up to go help with the bags. "I know right, she was in front of me in the line. Anyway, she started talking about Daniel, going on and on and on about how he just won first place in the elementary schools spelling competition. You have no idea how badly I wanted to punch her right then and there. I mean, she seriously needs to get over herself. "

"Bonnie, " Elena whispers under her breath. Bonnie quickly turns her head and replies, "Elena, what are you doing here?" Elena rushes over to her, pulling her into a tight hug and not letting go. Bonnie looks over Elena's shoulder to Caroline asking her about what's happening with her eyes. She mouths that she'll tell her later.

Elena finally pulls away and they all head back over to the couch, sitting down and swapping greetings. Caroline turns to look at Lizzie curiously. 

She clears her voice, causing everyone in the room to look at her. She then looks to the side, looking straight at our group that's hiding in the corner. "You can come out now, " she exclaims, letting us know that she definitely knows that we're here.

She turns to look at Lizzie again, questioning her. "I'm guessing you brought MG, right? Damon too? Am I right?" Lizzie just nods.

Anyone can see that Caroline's grown up, matured, even more so than before. Though, looking at her I can tell that she's still the same, happy, beautiful person she was before. She was still her even with all the extra baggage. That in itself brings on such a rush of feelings, good and bad.

She asks Lizzie to take down the spell, and soon after we all see her stand up. She looked confused, scared, shocked, and happy. It was all there, and I just smile at her. I am about to walk towards her when there's a knock at the door. She speedily recovers from whatever she was feeling, and her eyes show a mix of suspicion and confusion.

She walks over to our kids and tells them to go back into Dylan's room. They ask her if they can take their new friends with them, and she tells them that they'll be up soon but that their mother wanted to talk with them. The kids seem to understand what her eyes were displaying to them and obediently walk upstairs.

She swiftly turns and makes her way to the door, approaching it warily. She slowly reaches for the doorknob, twisting it and slight step back from the opening door. A brown-ish, auburn-ish hair coloured girl lunges towards Caroline, leaping into her arms. She seems to hug her back, putting her head on top of the girls, rubbing her back to calm her down. Listening in closer I can now hear her crying, along with someone else walking into the house. It's a girl with dark hair and light skin.

"Mom, we need your help."


Thank you for waiting so long for this. I want to give a special shoutout to s____a____n____j for all of the support and comments, it's what pushed me to write this chapter. I know I've given a lot of excuses for being inactive lately and I'm so sorry. My mental health went downhill and so did my physical health and I needed a break from it all. I'm doing a lot better now so updates should be a lot more regular and consistent. Thanks for reading this book, and if there's something you would really like to be included in the books, please put it in the comments. I will try my best to add some of your ideas.

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