Settling in and a possible Path

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After classes, Nico POV:

"Neeks, how does it feel to be neighbors?" Percy asked, standing in my doorway. I sighed. Yes, we ended up being neighbors, his room is 402 and mine is 403. It was rather surprising how that came to be, but it wasn't unexpected. After all, the remainder of the other boys were also right after us. 

"It feels annoying." I answered him. "Why are you here?" 

"Aw come on, don't be mad at me just cause I'm not your type." Percy smirked, and the Stoll brothers snickered behind him. I rolled my eyes. 

"Never letting that go, are you?"

"Nope." Percy answered. "But on a serious note, want to play some ball? We need one more person."

"Jason, Austin or Pollux weren't available?" I asked him. "Or anyone else?"

"Aw come on, don't be like that." Percy said. "It'll be fun. Besides, Will told me you need more physical activity, and there's no better way to do this. What's the worst that could happen?"

Turns out, chaos. 

Hordes of girls stopped in their paths, staring at Percy and even the Stoll brothers almost as if they were supermodels. Thank the Gods I was short enough to hide between them, because of which I was spared from the wave of squeals that left the mouths of the fangirls. A con of travelling with Percy, I guess. Built pretty much like his Dad with a smile that can melt your heart and a chiseled jawline that would make marble statues jealous, Percy was the peak of Greek demigod physique, practically a god in after all the training had made him put on even more lean muscle. 

I didn't blame the girls for squealing when they saw him. 

But the Stolls? The Stolls? 

And the Stolls enjoyed every second of it, smiling and cheerfully trading numbers with whichever girl that approached them. Connor of course doing most of the trading, seeing as Travis is dating Katie. Though I was really grateful to them for hogging the spotlight, at least they all kept me out of public view. I sighed as we all entered the gymnasium, eyes instantly traveling toward the basketball court.

"Oh thank the gods it's only four guys playing." Travis sighed in relief. "Guess we can get the other half of the court then."

"I'm going to do some stretches and warm up a little," Percy said, hanging off to the side. "You guys go ahead."

"Preparing to lose Kelp Head?" I asked as I grabbed a ball from the side. "Today's going to be the day you lose."

"Really now?" Percy raised an eyebrow. "Think you can do what no one has done before?"

"There's a first time for everything fish face," I smirked and walked away. Now, it wasn't that Percy had never lost a game of basketball before. Of course, he had, but one on one's was his forte. Percy had never lost a one-on-one match. Ever. I'm planning on changing that today.

"Hey!" A voice called out to us from the other side. "What the hell do you guys think you're doing here?" A tall redhead kid lumbered over to us, accompanied by three other kids.

"We're playing in this half of the court, man," Travis said, pointing to the other half. "What's wrong?"

"You can't play there, we're using the court." The redhead said. I sighed. Not one day in and conflict starts.   

"Look dude, 4 people don't need an entire court to play." I told him. "Just use your braincells man." 

"What did you say?!" He yelled. Oh god he was one of those angry grumpy ones. 

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