Percy bullies a student and a teacher.

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Matsushita POV:

Percy Jackson.

I'd seen the video, and I could understand why he was at the top spot of the Ikemen rankings. Behind him were two more international students, then Hirata, then Ayanokouji. 

But there was something about him that unnerved me. His physical capabilities were insane for someone his age, and from what the girls told me, he was an even bigger monster in the gym. There were also many rumors about him being the leader of his class, and it was on his orders that most of class maintained a wide berth from the other students. 

Of course, there didn't have to be that much thought into it. It could simply be that they were having difficulty adjusting in, but I wasn't so sure about that. These students came from a different country with different customs, and still managed to end up with 630 Class points in the first month. And they all have ADHD and dyslexia. Perhaps Percy Jackson is a lot more capable than he lets on. 

If so, he is probably hiding his abilities, holding back for now. I don't have a chance of reaching Class A with my current class, but perhaps if I could get Percy's favor, I could secure some private points. Class competitions would surely happen, but of what kind, I don't know. Perhaps I could provide assistance to his class when the time comes, get some private points in exchange to have myself perfectly settled for the next three years. 

Reaching Class A was already a pipe dream, but I wanted to at least live a life of comfort. And so, I decided to follow Percy Jackson, see what I can learn about him. 

"What is he even doing?" I muttered under my breath, watching him simply walk around, stare at the garden as he walked along the path. Percy looked around, aimlessly watching the leaves float in the sky and the birds flying in the air. "Is he really just doing nothing?"

Percy suddenly leapt off the path, going towards a tree. I slowly followed behind him, maintaining my distance. I tilted my head, making sure I was out of his line of sight as I watching him hold something in his hands. He seemed to be holding a squirrel.

"What?" I asked myself, confused. How did he even grab hold of a squirrel? And why would he even do that? Percy gently lifted the squirrel up, placing it back on a branch, and watched it rush away up the tree. So he was a kind soul, regardless of how physically menacing he appeared to be. 

I could simply plead for assistance then, use his kindness against him. Percy eventually returned to the path, walking back onto it before turning left into an alleyway. Why would he go into an alleyway? Was he meeting someone? Could it be someone from another class? 

It could be a possibility. There was a chance that the international students could have allied with one of the classes, which would explain their high standing in the center. The only possible class that would help them would be Class A. If so, this was a goldmine for me that I couldn't afford to miss. I quickly followed behind, turning from my walk to a jog as I made the turn into the alleyway. I took a few steps in, realizing I had reached a dead end, and Percy was nowhere to be seen. 

"Hello." Percy's voice came from behind me. "Done stalking me?" I quickly turned around, shocked and surprised. I looked up at the towering man before me, his sea green eyes gazing at me with what seemed to be boredom and annoyance. How long ago did he discover I was following him? 

"I- well-" 

"Words, woman." Percy said, still blocking my exit. "I like my privacy, and seeing as how you've been following me for the last half an hour, you want something from me. What is it?"

He'd known since the beginning?! I looked around, and tried to move past him. Percy sighed, grabbing my hands before pushing me against the wall. There wasn't enough force for me to hit the wall, but the message was clear. I wasn't going anywhere till I answered his questions. Then, I'll have to do the next best thing. Pull the damsel in distress card. 

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