I smiled and walked out Barry was waiting for me. "Oh hi, you scared me" 

Barry walked with me "Well someones gotta show you around" He smiled and looked at me.

"I have a bunch of work I have to do Barry, I can't just walk around CCPD-" He cut me off

"Oh stop it, I can help you" He paused "Plus your gonna wanna know where the staff room and coffee's at"

I nodded "Fine but I'm holding you to helping me" 

He laughed and showed me around. 

"Ha! I told you I would help you!" Barry exclaimed

I laughed  "yeah, but that's one case"  I groaned and picked up the pile of papers off the shelf onto my desk where Barry was sitting. "We got like twenty or thirty more." 

He puffed his lips and acted like he was crying "You do know I was in a coma too" he paused and looked at me 

I scoffed "So did you finish all of your work in a month and a half?" I said and put my hands on the desk getting in his face "Don't you even lie, because I swear Barry Allen if I find any of these are yours-" I was being sarcastic just trying to get on his nerves but he did something.

He scooted closer making our faces inches apart "Do you want help or not? I finished my stack in like two months and I can help you with yours." He smiled looking into my eyes not moving. 

I looked in his he really was adorable, "Hey Barry!" A voice said down the hallway it was a girls voice. I backed up and looked toward the door. 

Barry stood up and walked toward the door, when she walked in I saw how gorgeous she was. I don't even know why I was jealous, maybe its just because I liked the boy but I wouldn't think they were dating. 

"Iris Hi!" Barry walked over to her stealing her bag of food from big belly burger "Thank you" he said and walked over to me "You want some?" 

She rolled her eyes "that's my food!" 

I shook my head not wanting to take her food. 

He nodded "oh Thea this is Iris, and Iris this is Thea" he looked at Iris "Thea is the girl that just woke up from the coma"

She looked at me and smiled "oh my gosh that's crazy and your at work already?!" 

I nodded and smiled "Yeah, I guess I really like my job" 

Iris seemed super friendly and welcoming "No, I mean it kinda is surprising but I'm glad you enjoy doing it. It makes it a lot more fun when your having fun you know?" 

"Yeah, yeah exactly" I agreed

Iris snatched her food back from Barry and I laughed seeing his expression change. "Why don't you go get your own food?' Iris asked him

He shrugged and glanced at me "She's keeping me here to work on HER assignments!" 

Iris smiled to me "I'm sure there is a good reason behind it" 

Barry rolled his eyes and dropped his act "its not that bad actually" he looked at me "hey you wanna go out and maybe get something quick?" He asked me 

"it's not going to get you out of this though" I looked at the stack of papers.

He nodded "yeah, yeah, I'm just starving and want some food right now" 

I smiled "Sure"

"okay" Barry gathered his things and Iris walked over to me 

"I hope everything goes well between you two, I honestly haven't seen him this happy in a while" She was talking quietly. 

I smiled again "Thank you it means a lot to me"

Barry walked back over to me "You ready?" 

I picked up my stuff as Iris said goodbye to Barry and walked out of our lab.

He smiled to me and we walked out to his car. The road trip was kinda boring at first, but we jammed out to music and it was fun. 

Lunch was good we got a sub at this sandwich place where they like made it in front of you. I don't know it was weird and we don't have anything in Starling city like that. Barry paid but only because I forgot my wallet at our lab and I promised to pay him back. 

The ride home was interesting because we started talking about our family's. 

"Yeah and my dad well he passed when I was a kid and Oliver was a teenager, and my mom well she left from the beginning because my dad was sleeping with other people." i sighed "Anyway after my dad passed Oliver was the one who took care of me, he would work full time jobs to keep us stable. I did really good in high school so that I got a lot of scholarships to make college cheaper but I had to pay for a lot of it." I paused and looked at him driving "So what's your story?" I asked, I wasn't sure he would tell me because we had just met and I didn't want to hurt him by bringing it up. "Its okay you don't have to tell-"

At that moment the world around me slowed, a car in front of us turned sharply and I watched as their car flipped, and rolled slowly..? I looked at Barry and he looked at me.

He sighed "Give me one second" he moved the car I was in, off the road and he was moving fast, he had orange lighting behind him. I watched as he quickly picked everybody out of the car and put them on the side of the road. It was so crazy. 

I watched as he sped back to the car and looked at me "I can't believe it"

"I'm sorry how is this a good thing, those people could be dead right now and I have to be hallucinating." I took a couple deep breaths 

He placed his hand on mine "Thea, your not hallucinating" 

I looked at him confused and looked at the people standing up off the side of the road, it was a family. Two little kids and a mom and dad. They were safe. "How did you.." I started  breathing heavy "But your sitting right here!"


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