"Ruby!" Anne and Lydia's voices rang out simultaneously, their worry palpable in the air.

Ignoring Billy's taunts, the two girls enveloped Ruby in a cocoon of support, offering reassurance and comfort in the face of her misfortune. But Billy couldn't resist delivering one final jab, his words dripping with contempt.

"Girls are so useless," he sneered. "Guess you should've stayed home in the kitchen, eh?!"

Lydia seethed with anger at Billy's callous words, feeling a surge of disgust wash over her. As Anne rose to comfort Ruby, Lydia turned to face Billy, her eyes blazing with indignation.

"What is wrong with you?!" Anne's voice cut through the tension, her tone laced with fury.

Lydia found herself nodding in agreement with Anne's sentiment, silently grateful for her friend's fierce defense. But Billy seemed unfazed by Anne's reprimand, spewing another round of insults.

"Go home and bake cookies!" Billy's voice dripped with derision.

"Headline: They already did," Gilbert's comment sliced through the tension, his tone tinged with sarcasm.

Anne's gaze hardened as she turned her attention back to Billy, her voice ringing with authority.

"This is Ruby's property, or did you forget?!" Anne's words echoed with conviction.

As Gilbert descended the ladder, Lydia couldn't help but feel a sense of relief at his presence. But Billy wasn't finished, his taunts continuing to escalate.

"Why don't you shove off and leave the men to their work?" Billy's sneer was met with Anne's unwavering resolve.

"Why don't you give me that hammer and I'll finish the job myself if you're too busy being a bully to get it done?!" Anne's voice crackled with defiance, her words resonating with those around them.

The men within earshot exchanged uneasy glances, clearly uncomfortable with Billy's behavior. Gilbert, sensing the tension, approached Lydia and Ruby, his expression filled with concern.

"Hey, here," Gilbert's voice was gentle as he helped Ruby to her feet. "Are you all right?"

Lydia felt a surge of gratitude towards Gilbert for his kindness, a small glimmer of reassurance amid the chaos.

Lydia rose to her feet, her heart racing as she watched Gilbert bend down to retrieve Ruby's fallen hat.

"There you are," Gilbert's voice was gentle as he handed the hat back to Ruby.

"Thank you, Gilbert," Ruby's voice was soft, gratitude evident in her tone.

Gilbert smiled warmly in response. "Yeah, of course."

"Thanks for coming to help feed the beasts," Gilbert's eyes briefly met Lydia's, a hint of warmth in his gaze.

Lydia averted her gaze, feeling a flush of embarrassment creeps into her cheeks. Meanwhile, Matthew approached Anne, offering his thanks.

"Much obliged," Matthew's breath created wisps of steam in the cold air.

As Anne and Matthew conversed, Gilbert glanced over at Lydia, his expression uncertain. Lydia's heart skipped a beat, her stomach fluttering nervously.

"Um..." Gilbert began, his voice faltering.

But before he could continue, Anne intervened, taking charge.

"Come on, Ruby, Lydia," Anne's voice was firm as she grabbed their hands, pulling them away from Gilbert. "Let's get you home."

As they walked away, Anne addressed the minister, her voice resolute. "Honesty is the best policy, Minister, and it's all so very satisfying."

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