The War Version 2

Start from the beginning

The screen once again lights up, showing that the play button on the video has been pressed and the video is continuing. The scene being played on the screen before them shows the Heroes who are going up against All For Shigaraki.

The heroes look to be struggling to fight All For Shigaraki as he has severly injured many of the heroes. But just then All For Shigaraki sends a quirk erasing bullet towards Aizawa and it goes through Aizawa's leg. Izuku screams out 'Sensei', but Aizawa seems unfazed as he proceeds to pull out one of his knives and cuts his lower right leg off. This act causes everyone to be shocked.

"Hizashi turns to his husband. Hizashi doesn't look to happy and instead looks quite annoyed and disappointed at his husband. Aizawa looks at his husband confused. "What's wrong?" Aizawa asks curiously. Hizashi sighs in disappointment. "I'm not happy that you did that Shouta." Hizashi says calmly but you can hear the disappointment in Hizashi's voice.

"Well, I wasn't having our daughter freak out and blame herself for something she believed to be her fault when in fact it isn't her fault." Aizawa says calmly but he doesn't like that his husband doesn't understand the reasoning he did what he did.

"Besides, I haven't done it yet." Aizawa says teasingly. Hizashi doesn't look pleased at that last comment and his facial expression reflects that. Aizawa just smirks at his husbands displeasure.

Hizashi doesn't like his husbands cocky attitude, but he smirks, knowing just how to wipe that smirk off of his husbands face. "I know you haven't done it yet. But I do understand where you are coming from." Hizashi says and Aizawa goes to speak but Hizashi interrupts him.

"But that doesn't mean you should do it. And if you do, I will ban you from using knives." Hizashi says sternly. Aizawa's smirk falls from his face and he looks exasperated that his husband would say such a thing.

"You wouldn't." Aizawa says with a mix of shock in his tone as well as a slight hint of sternness in his tone. Hizashi just smirks at Aizawa's comment and that gives Aizawa his answer. Aizawa huffs in annoyance, knowing full well he can't argue with his husband on this.

The video continues and instead of showing the scene from before, the screen shows the battle between Hawks and Twice. The audience see Hawks and Twice battling it out and Hawks coming out on top. That means that the audience also see Hawks killing Twice.

When Toga sees Twice getting killed she starts to cry as she had just seen her friend get killed. Even though she knew it happens and had already seen it, it doesn't mean it hurts any less.

Twice pulls her into a hug to comfort her and after a little while she is able to calm down. But she stay with Twice, refusing to let go of him.

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