Chapter 19: Glittering and Gilded

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The ballroom at Mandarin Oriental is as opulent and New York as it gets. The view of Columbus Circle at night is nothing short of stunning, and the white-gloved servers ferrying hors d'oeuvres among the guests make me feel supremely out of place. I adjust my bow-tie I borrowed from my dad and check if I have anything stuck in my teeth in the mirror by the entrance.

"Hoo-okay, here we go," I tell myself. "You got this."

The Tagilvy folks really know how to razzle-dazzle. They've invited all the students competing from all the visiting countries, and their own clients who can meet us students tonight. Even if I don't win the contest and get the internship with Tagilvy, I still might get another summer internship out of it.

I cycle through my note cards I wrote out just in case—by just in case, I mean Felicity and Preston made me write them even though I told them there was no way I would win. I'm 99% sure Melanie will.

I scan the crowd and all the unfamiliar faces in it. Ugh, I wish I knew someone. Anyone.

And as if by request, the crowd parts to reveal a blonde angel in a sparkly blue gown. I can't help the smile that spreads across my face. I wave at Sydney.

Please wave back so I don't embarrass myself completely.

After a brief hesitation, she does. Phew.

Not only that, but she approaches me, her dress catching the light as she walks. She shimmers like she's covered in fairy dust. I can't stop staring. "Wow," I say. "You look incredible."

She blushes, her heavy lashes fluttering. "You're not too shabby, yourself."

I straighten my jacket. It's a little tight around my lats, but then, my dad wasn't doing the weightlifting I am. "So, uh, you know anyone here?"

"A few people," she says as she waves. "Mostly from school."

I tug at my collar, feeling like an imposter. "I only know you. If you don't count Mr. Beau." I fiddle with my sleeve cuff. "I am surprised to see you here tonight. I thought you'd dropped out."

Her eyes roam the crowd. "I did. But Mr. Beau personally called me to invite me to the award ceremony. I couldn't say no."

"Well, I'm glad you came." I smile. "Would you... like to sit together?"

She clutches her sparkly handbag in front of her like a protective charm. Lifting her eyes to mine, there is a hint of a smile there. "You know what? Sure. Since you don't know anyone."

"I thank you for your charity," I bow down excessively. It makes her laugh, and that makes me warm around the ears.

A clinking sound echoes, and I follow it to the center stage where the MC's voice booms through the microphone. "Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the Tagilvy Marketing Plan Awards!"

I lead Sydney to my table and hold out the chair for her like my dad taught me. I'm about to sit down when across the room I see her.

Melanie is a vision in crimson, her gown hugging her curves like a second skin. Her hair is swept to the side like an old Hollywood movie star, exposing the graceful line of her neck. She's deep in conversation with Mr. Beau, her smile polite.

As if sensing my stare, she glances up, our eyes locking across the room. For a moment, the rest of the world falls away, and it's just us, suspended in a bubble. We haven't spoken since Thanksgiving.

Applause ripples through the crowd, and I force myself to look away from Melanie, my heart hammering against my ribs. I sit down as Mr. Beau takes the microphone. He begins his spiel, extolling the virtues of innovative marketing and the bright minds behind the campaigns. I barely hear him, my blood rushing in my ears as he starts announcing the nominees.

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