Chapter 6

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Scarlett was sat next to Cedric and Bianca on the Hufflepuff table waiting for the Tri-Wizard champions to be announced. The Diggory twins held each others hands tightly as Dumbledore revealed the Goblet. The tension grew even more when the fire turned red and the first champion was announced as Viktor Krum then Fleur Delacour. Now was the moment of truth as Dumbledore announced "And now for the Hogwarts champion..."

Cedric and Scarlett both closed their eyes holding each other's hands tightly hoping their names would be called out when they heard

"Cedric Diggory."

The Hufflepuff table roared with excitement as Cedric breathed a sigh of relief and hugged his proud yet slightly disappointed sister. She hugged him tightly and whispered "Congratulations Ced"

He squeezed her tightly before letting go and shaking hands with his friends before standing up and meeting Dumbledore to be congratulated. Scarlett watched her twin proudly and full of happiness for him. Although a little disappointed she didn't get chosen, she was glad he'd been chosen over her. She sighed before joining hands with her friends and waiting excitedly for what was next.

"Excellent. We now have our three champions. But in the end only one will go down in history. Only one will hoist this chalice of champions, this vessel of victory, the Tri-wizard cup."

Dumbledore revealed the cup in all its glory, Scarlett gasped along with the rest of the students and couldn't help but feel a pang of jealousy that she wasn't given the opportunity to prove herself. Suddenly the goblet started acting up and turned red once again, another name flew out and Dumbledore caught it. At first, he mumbled the name and Scarlett secretly hoped it was hers until the professor repeated himself louder

"Harry Potter."

Everyone turned to him in shock. Scarlett was so confused and angry as she stared at him from across the room. Harry didn't move, he looked just as confused and shocked as everyone else.

"HARRY POTTER" Dumbledore shouted again. 

Scarlett watched attentively as Hermione pushed Harry and forced him up towards their headmaster. He walked slowly and solemnly then took his name. Everyone whispered and people started shouting

"He's a cheat!"

"He's not even 17 yet"

Bianca and Andrew rolled their eyes in annoyance while Scarlett muttered under her breathe "Of course, the special Harry Potter has to be involved, Merlin forbid anyone else have the spotlight."

The other Hufflepuffs who heard her all groaned in agreement. They were all furious as they watched him walk to where the other champions had gone.

Once he disappeared from view all the students started talking amongst themselves as the professors quickly followed Harry. Scarlett was trembling with frustration, as her friends around her vented to each other about how unfair it was.

"Enough. I'm as frustrated as everyone here but at the end of the day all we can do is support Ced. Don't even bother thinking, talking or listening to people talk about Harry. He is irrelevant." Scarlett declared bluntly and detached.

Everyone was stunned by her sudden input, but they realised she was right and they started talking about how they would go about supporting Cedric. Scarlett didn't bother joining in, instead she looked towards where Harry had been sitting, all his friends looked shocked and confused about what had just happened. She looked towards George who was already staring at her, he gave a weak smile, but she was too frustrated to smile back instead she stood up. Everyone from the Hufflepuff table went silent which caused the Ravenclaw and Slytherin table to pay attention to her, then soon all 3 schools of students were watching her as she calmly walked with purpose towards the Gryffindor table. She stopped in front of Harry's group of friends ignoring George

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