Chapter 2

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Cedric and Scarlett were celebrating the Irish victory outside while their father was in the tent. They were both getting a lot of attention which wasn't unusual for them. Scarlett wasn't shy when it came to her and Cedric meeting strangers that she would never see again, it was liberating to not be held back. She loved the attention and enjoyed learning about people's lives. She was dancing with a handsome man with bright blue eyes and beautiful gold hair when a scream cut through the frivolity. 

Scarlett looked around as did everyone else, trying desperately to see what was going on. Cedric who was on the outside of the group talking to a pretty brown-haired woman was the first to see a group of wizards dressed in black robes sending curses flying in all directions, he quickly stood up and looked for his sister. Once he spotted her, he sprinted to her, he could see the fear on her face, when she looked at him and she saw his. She ran with Cedric to their tent to get their father who was on his way out to investigate what was going on.

"Scarlett fly to the portkey, your brother and I will meet you there!" he shouted over the screams realising what was going on. 

 "A bright red bird is going to draw more attention than a 5ft 5 girl in a crowd. Not to mention I'm not being left alone, let's go to the portkey now!" Scarlett shouted back as they began to run as fast as they could. 

When they got to the port key they saw Mr Weasley, Fred, George, Ginny, Hermione and Ron. Cedric noticed Harry wasn't there, "What happened to Harry?" he stated which made Ron and Hermione run back to the tents. 

Scarlett was going to go with them when her father grabbed her arm and forced her and her brother to grab onto the portkey with Ginny and the Weasley twins while Mr Weasley went back for the others.

"Scarlett fly to the Weasleys and tell Mrs Weasley what happened, to come to ours and wait for the rest of family with us." Her father commanded. 

She did exactly as she was told, she turned into her Animagus form and flew as fast as she could to the burrow. Once she arrived she banged on the door and didn't stop, just kept banging until Mrs Weasley opened the door angrily but before she could get a word in Scarlett announced

"We were attacked by death eaters, Ginny and the twins are at my house waiting for Mr Weasley, Ron and Hermione to come back with Harry who got lost. Please come to mine and wait for them there." 

Mrs Weasley immediately grabbed her coat and grabbed Scarletts hand "Come on dear, you must have been terrified. You're safe now." As they speedily walked to the Diggorys' house.

Once Scarlett and Mrs Weasley arrived at the Diggorys', Mrs Diggory wrapped Scarlett in a warm blanket as she hugged her tight, "Letty I'm so glad you're home and alright."

Scarlett held her mother, finally feeling safe and calm. She didn't let go of her mother when she started moving, she wasn't ready for that but the parents wanted to talk and make some food in the kitchen, so she reluctantly let her mother go. She walked over to the living room to see Ginny, the Weasley twins and Cedric sat on the sofas. Cedric got up and pulled his sister into a tight hug, that was just what she needed. When he let go Scarlett could see Ginny was terrified so sat next to her and held her hand while softly saying "They'll find Harry and they will be back safe and sound, I'm sure of it." 

Ginny smiled at this new side of Scarlett, it was warmer than usual and it made her feel a little better.

The group sat in silence for a long time, Scarlett held Ginny's hand but leaned her head on her twins shoulder who was half hugging her still. They were both so relieved that they hadn't lost each other, they were truly grateful that they weren't in the Weasleys situation.

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