Chapter 3

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The Diggory twins were on the train with their friends talking about their OWL results. Scarlett had obtained Outstanding in Transfiguration, Care of Magical Creatures, Potions and Defence Against the Dark Arts and Exceeds Expectations in Charms, Herbology and Divination and an Acceptable in Astrology and History of Magic which she was over the moon about since she was allowed to do all the subjects she wanted to do for her NEWTs to become either a healer or an auror. Cedric had also done exceptionally well and was made prefect, making their parents extremely proud which meant they bought them the newest brooms. 

"After all that insanity last year I hope this year will be a quiet one." the group laughed at Biancas statement

"Good one Bianca. As if there would ever be a quiet year at Hogwarts especially since the drama boy of the century Harry Potter is a student." Hannah Abbott, a fellow Hufflepuff joined in. 

The comment made Scarlett feel a little uncomfortable now she'd gotten to know him a bit better after he'd stayed round with the Weasleys for the week she felt guilty teasing him behind his back.

"Come on guys, Harry Potter isn't at fault. I mean, it's Hogwarts. It's full of secrets and mystery, we just have to hope this year they don't threaten to close the school down and send us home. I'm surprised it hasn't affected my grades." Scarlett protested. 

The group laughed again "Your grades? If there hadn't been all the drama they probably would have had to come up with a new grade in Transfiguration, they would have had to give you extra marks. I still can't believe you achieved your Animagus form! Not to mention it's just as beautiful and graceful as your human form. I mean is there anything more fitting for you." Bianca praised 

"Your bird form is so adorable. I now get why pirates had pet parrots. I'd have you resting on my shoulder all the time if you were my pet." Andrew joined in 

"I'm going to take that as a compliment even though I'm not sure if it is." Scarlett replied with a light giggle

"What exactly happened at the Quidditch game by the way?" Heidi Macavoy asked the question on everyones minds turning to Cedric 

"It was insane, there were deatheaters everywhere. Poor Harry got lost when we were running back to the Portkey and Ron and Hermione went after him. Thankfully they got back safely and ended up staying for the rest of the week." Cedric recounted to the group 

"No way! Did you see the mark when you were there?" Bianca was desperate for more details

"No I think that happened after most people had escaped. Harry was there though." Scarlett answered unable to hide how anxious the memory made her. 

Andrew caught on to her anxiousness and changed the subject "So who ended up staying round?"

"Harry, Hermione, Ron, Ginny, Fred and George and Mr and Mrs Weasley." Scarlett replied welcoming the change of subject smiling gratefully to Andrew. 

"That must have been fun with the Weasley twins, never a dull moment with them." Hannah joked

"It was surprisingly fun actually." Scarletts words surprised everyone apart from Cedric who was still not sure about how he felt about the Weasley twins being around his twin.

"I heard one of them has a crush on you Scar." Bianca informed the group 

"Pha! Good one B, when would either of them have time to notice me when they're making out with half the girls in our year. Pretty sure at the end of year party last year I didn't see either of their faces cause they were too busy snogging someone." Scarlett scoffed at the idea

"That was a fun party." Andrew recalled the memory 

"Oh that reminds me, how are things going with Cho, Ceddy boy?" Malcom Preece joined in

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