Chapter 8

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Bianca, Andrew and Scarlett walked back up to the castle after they Care of Magical Creatures class in the woods with Hagrid

"Where did Ced go?" Scarlett asked noticing the absence of her twin

"Uhhh...think he saw Cho and went off to chat to her." Andrew replied unconvincingly

"Where did Ced go?" Scarlett repeated her tone more stern, her eyebrow raising while she questioned Andrew

"With Cho." a light dusting of sweat spread on Andrews forehead as he felt Scarletts eyes analyse every inch of him 

"I don't believe you."

"Why not?" the words were laced with nerves 

Scarletts brows furrowed irritated Andrew wasn't cracking so she turned to Bianca who was unusually quiet "B? You sticking with this Cho story Andy is feeding me?"

"It's not a story. He's with Cho." Bianca reply was too quick, too panicked to convince Scarlett the two were telling the truth

"Hmph, so sticking to the story I see...well...whatever you two are hiding I will find out. You know I will." they knew she would, Scarlett always got what she wanted. It was a special talent of hers, no matter how impossible what she wanted was to get she some how managed it. She got away with skipping Potions class in 3rd year without earning a detention or losing points for Hufflepuff from Snape, she'd even managed to convince Madam Sprout to let them have dinner in the common room. None of them knew how she did it, that information was only privy to Cedric. "Shit I need to get to Transfiguration, it starts in 10 and my books are in the common room" 

Scarlett ran towards the castle much to the relief of Andrew and Bianca. 

"She is going to kill Cedric when she finds out who he's with." Andrew gulped at the drama that was to come

"I really hate it when they fight. It doesn't feel right." Bianca sighed 

"I get it though. She is his twin and he wants to make sure she's being treated right."

"If they were together I'd get it but they're not. They're just going on walks."

"For an hour minimum per day. Don't play dumb B, we both know it's not just walks. He's liked her for a while and although she may deny it, she likes him too."

"She always has you know. That crush on Oliver only started after she saw him flirting with Alicia."

"You're kidding."

"Nope, she told me. She had a soft spot for him after he told Cassius Warrington to shut it when he was teasing her in flying class. That's why she didn't give him the time of day after the prank and was so furious, she felt betrayed."

"How have you managed to keep this juicy info from me for six years?"

"Heidi, Tamsin, Angelina and Hannah have known the whole time too. It's you and Malcom who don't because we know you'd blab to Ced." 

"Ced doesn't know?"

"He probably does but I don't think she's ever told him herself." 

"No wonder he's being so protective then. Is that why he wasn't bother about Oliver even when they were getting hot and heavy at the Christmas party last year?"

"He didn't see, he was making out with Fay Dunbar."

"He did more than that." Andrew informed with a wink 

"No way! You've been keeping that on the down low, tell me everything!" 


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