chapter 30:

17 1 0

Don't own anything

Author pov:

Lex waits outside of the room chisato & the nurse is inside. But then something wasn't right it got too quiet. He took his gun safety off barged through the door grabbed the nurse by neck hoisted her in the air.

(Theme starts playing in the background)

He closed the door shut.

Lex: i see what you're doing. I'm taking her to osean science department. There stuff is far more advanced than what you're. You are coming with me

Theme ends Takina pov:

Strider 6 kun & i entered his world.  He's flying f14A (tgm)

We arrived in osea's main capital oured. We landed.
We took the car head over to osean science department. They allowed us in we found lex.


lex: A ok. She ain't dying

Skyler: dying?. Girl is healthy as a horse

Lex: heart says otherwise. Look

They surgery on her. Same thing they did on devil dog of lycoris & pheonix. Unknown super soldier enchanced to restore her heart.

It built a protective system around her artificial heart. I sighed in relief.

Lex: himegama was ordered to kill her by electricity killing the artificial heart predicted her death in 2 months

Skyler: son of bitch. That dude saved her because she had a heart disease long ago. Why do that to her?

Lex: that man is very sadistic about her. Ever since me & her fought together in a paintball match ustio & osea government didn't trust alan company.

Takina: you didn't suffer because of you. She didn't save you in time. You saved her on time 😱

Lex glanced at her then looking away

Skyler: this whole fucked up story about the people trust tries to kill her

Lex: i should've known that doctor visit was a damn set up all along. Good thing i was next to a door

Skyler: hehehe. You're something else buddy

Doctor: she's better

Author pov:

Chisato looking at her body. Super soldier serum not only created a protective barrier prevented a electric shock but reinforced bones immune to knock substances, poisons & anything else.

But she grew bigger. Serum works pretty fast, she's more developed. Takina looks at skyler then looks at her.

Takina: no wonder


(2:35 - 2:39 only. Different)


Lex flinched

She gets. Her bra snapped she looks down.

(Something like this but different. They ain't that big)

Lex jaw dropped.

Chisato: i need to recover first. デザートの前に 💗 (before dessert)

She walked past him sway her hip bumped her long time fly boy boyfriend.

To be continued:


ace combat 7: recoil chisatoXoc Completed Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant