chapter 20:

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Don't own anything

Author pov:

Majima is brought up to the ofs titan for interrogation. Lex beats him to a pulp they brought him to car on indoor city 3rd floor outside the building. (Titan is inspired by robotech's SDF 1 aka macross or super dimensional fortress)

Vice chairman edwards of the osean joint Cheifs of staff sits in the passenger front.

(Something like this but different)

Majima: i keep trying to tell ... you but you keep fucking hitting me

Edwards: how many more weapons did miloze Sulejmani of general resources limiter gr guardian pmc force gave you?

Majima: we... shouldn't got involved with them...

Lex put his cup up on the suv roof & reached to his eyebrow area & pinched it giving him intense pain

Majima: OW OW IT HURTS STOP (crying)

Edwards: okay okay Majima. This is not what where looking for

Lex straights up his shirt

Edwards: do you know the beauty is to be beaten to a bloody pulp?. Because no one isn't gonna noticed a few more scratches. Here's what's gonna happen to you. Your done on your home earth you belong to us now. Your way to dangerous to be setting of explosives. You will be transported to our world to be executed for terroristic attacks. And involving a company that works outside of our government & trying to stur wars of skies unknown. You day is over majima.

He started ranting about his past life witch made Edwards looking the other way. Lex turns to majima from looking at edwards, he put his finger in his mouth & then sticking through his ear.


He pulls it out

Lex: how many weapons did Sulejmani gave to you?

Majima:...... i'm telling-

Lex gets in pushes his body

Lex: how many damn motherfucking weapons they gave to you?

Majima: okay okay..... they were 5.... special wmd v2s

Edwards: you son of a bitch. Repeating august of 1945

Lex: where are they now?


Chisato at the hanger 2nd floor of the fortress class super carrier. Looks at the new f22 demon. Man/unmanned new fighter built for strider 2.

Lex can neural link without physically piloting it. She climbs in & turns it on only computers.

she smiled close her eyes remembered she flew over 50 flight simulations back at ustio back then.

She remembered saying goodbye as he leaves to usea beginning of the second continental war.

Takina stands by looking at her crying.

" memories coming back to her. You wanna forget all of that "

To be continued:


ace combat 7: recoil chisatoXoc Completed Where stories live. Discover now