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I look between the people as i become nervous on what to say.

No one talks so i put it on myself to start

"I'm really sorry, i.. i never would have ran this way if i knew you were here" I say

"It's alright, no one was harmed" The man in the uniform says "I'm just glad you had that pistol on you, they were looking very interested in Sophia"

The short haired woman hugs the crying little girl closer to her side.

"I'm extremely sorry" I say as i look at her and then back to the Sheriff "I try not to use my pistol unless it's absolutely necessary. There could be others around who heard"

"It's ok, we were just doing some scavenging in the cars" He tells me "We're about to move on any day" He says "I'm Rick by the way"

The man holds his hand out to me.

I wipe some of the guts off my hand as he smiles. I shake his hand back.

"I'm Rachel, you have a last name Rick?" I ask

"It's Grimes" He says as we both let go of each others hand with a nod.

He wipes his hand on his pants with a laugh.

"I suppose you could do with getting cleaned up?" He asks as i nod.

He leads me over to the others.

"This is Lori, my wife" He says as the dark-haired lady walks up to him with a little boy. "And that's our son, Carl"

I nod at them both as i look at my disgusting form.

"I won't get too close to you, don't want to get corpse on you" I say with a laugh as i scratch the back of my neck. Lori smiles and nods

"This is Carol and Sophia" He says.

I look at the woman who is clutching her child close. I recognise them from the events before.

I walk closer

"I am extremely sorry, if there is anything i could do for you, anything you need-"

"That's not necessary" Carol says "Thank you for shooting that pistol, you saved her life"

"Trust me, it was the least i could have done after bringing those organ-bags through here onto you all" I say as i look at Ricks family and the two men standing by their RV.

"What caused you to be in that predicament anyway?" Rick asks me as he puts his arm around Lori.

"I was in the city, i had been since this whole thing started, and i ended up meeting a man. We both got out of the city when the undead started multiplying and we decided to scavenge on the highway- like you guys were" I say "Anyway, long story short a hoard came across us and we hid, but a group of men came and took the son of a Bitch from under a car- oh umm sorry" I say as i notice both Mums move to cover their kids ears "A..and then the hoard came after me until i ran into you guys" I conclude

"Sounds like you've got quite the story" One of the men, standing by the RV, says as he walks over "Sounds like you could do with a wash and a sit down. I'm Dale and this is T Dog by the way" He says as he gestures to someone next to him.

T Dog nods at me "Nice to meet you" He says and i smile in return

"Do you know who those guys were that took your Partner?" Rick asks

"I have no idea, they got him when i was still hiding. He told them no one was with him and they dragged him away" I explain

"Sounds like a decent guy then" He says as Lori nods

"HA" I burst out with all of a sudden.

Everyone looks at me and i close my mouth quickly.

"He has his moments but i wouldn't call him a 'decent' guy if i were you" I say with a smile

Rick raises an eyebrow at me, but i cut him off before he can ask me any more questions.

"So... someone mentioned something about getting cleaned up"


I pop the lid off one of the water drums the group found in the back of a van. I watch as it takes all the guts off my back and hands.

I wipe my face and comb my hair back with my hands, trying to get myself as clean as possible with only water and a soap bar.

The drum empties itself as the water stops flowing out- it was short lived but was just what i needed.

I ring out my soaking hair and make my way over to the RV.

"I thought you could use these, there is a toilet at the back of the RV where you can change out of your old ones"

I turn around as Carol hands me some new clothes she must have scavenged out of a car.

"Thanks" I say as i step into the vehicle.

I suddenly notice a blonde woman who is sat fiddling with a gun. It looks to have been pulled apart and cleaned.

"Hey" I say as i go to walk past her

"You're getting the floor soaking" Is the only thing she says

"Sorry" I mumble as i quicken my pace to the bathroom.

I close the door behind me and i sigh.

Taking a moment to collect myself, i change and hang my wet clothes out of the window.

Exiting the RV, i notice that the sun has began to set.

"Here" Lori says as she walks over to me and hands me a hair tie, before walking off to join the others.

"Thanks" I say as i follow her.

"Tomorrow morning, we will take off" Rick is saying as i walk over while tying my hair into a low bun "We've scavenged a lot, but we have to keep on our toes, what happened today proves that"

He nods as they all break apart. I make my way over to him

"Oh hi Rachel" He say as he starts looking through the back of a car.

"Look, Rick, i'm really sorry about what happened, i know i put your group in danger. I was planning on leaving tomorrow after i've had some rest" I say

He stops what he's doing to look at me

"You don't have to leave" He says as he touches my arm "I was talking about the dead being around here being a threat, not you. You can ride with us if you want" He says

"Really? I don't want to cause any trouble" I say

"You are more then welcome to, especially after you saved Sophia"

"I was the one who put her in danger first, but i appreciate that" I say as i turn to leave before i speak again, turning back to Rick "I need to keep looking for him" I say "You know my 'partner' as you put it"

He nods at me "Of cause, i understand"

"I want to stay, but you've got to promise me we will look around for him. He might be a dick but he was the first person i'd spoken to after the outbreak" I say.

He nods as i walk off.

I had thought about what i was going to say and decided that was the best excuse to use. I didn't want to mention anything about me feeling bad for cutting the Blokes hand off- it might have scared the kids- even if he was a Dick-face and he deserved it, not that i would ever tell Rick that.

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