Takoyaki Troubles!

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Back in 1800s America there was a saying: 'don't bite off more than you can chew' which originated from chewing tobacco. Although there is a strong lack of tobacco in this world it's safe to say that I definitely took the bigger bite. I don't look attractive spitting it back out either.

You don't realise how big a crowd in more than the thousands is until you stand in front of them. I swear I didn't send this many invites. If it wasn't for Shuna I could've ditched this speech and went on with my day but apparently not. Just because I'm the strongest doesn't mean I don't get a bit nervous; I wasn't born for this kind of lifestyle after all. On the bright side this will be a good chance to assert where I stand.

With arms crossed and eyes fierce I stated my declamation.

Rimuru: Truth is, standing up here and talking like this isn't something I wanted to do. In fact, I would much rather play hopscotch over a pit of lava whilst chewing on glass and juggling knives.

I guess that wouldn't affect me too much though...

Rimuru: However now I'm here, facing you mugs. I'll say it plainly, my goal is to turn Tempest into a paradise where everyone can live side by side no matter who or what they are. Trust isn't built overnight; however I hope that together we can bond and unite as one.

God what a pain... I sound like some kind of rights activist.

Rimuru: I've already established relationships with some other powerful nations so that's proof that this isn't some shitty lip service. Now I also understand that some of you might fear me after evolving into a Demon Lord and destroying the Empire however worry not. I live by a very simple rule, don't start a fight with me and I won't kill you. If you follow that rule your life will not be messed with.

To all the Nobles here I ask that you report everything you see and experience in this nation honestly when you return to your homelands, it would be problematic if I face discrimination due to my race or title. And we all know that problems are consequences, I assume I don't have to spell that out for you but just for the idiots at the back I rarely show mercy.

I noticed a couple of faces go pale as I said that. I assume they came here confrontationally with no means of stating the truth. People are such vermin's it makes me want to puke.

Rimuru: And of course this all applies to me too, to all the merchants, adventurers, and other uh peasants and poor people I won't lay a hand on you either. I may be a Demon Lord but I'm not unreasonable. And remember...

I change into my slime form.

'I'm not a bad slime!'


No one laughed...

Ah, I completely forgot that the only people who would get the joke is some otherworlders. Please, just one person! There has to be someone in the crowd right??

As soon as that thought hit me, I heard a laugh from a couple of my students, Kenya specifically being the loudest. That was a relief, it started a chain reaction and some other half assed mumbles surfaced. I don't know if the joke just wasn't funny or they were simply too scared to laugh but whatever. Jeez one slime joke boom, cancelled... I thought it was funny.

After my speech I said my closing lines, and everyone dispersed towards the festival. My pupils came up to me with bright eyes.

"Wow that was so cool!"

"You're so impressive!"

And of course Kenya says

Kenya: That joke was awful but at least you tried.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 14 ⏰

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