Family Dispute

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The earth rumbled and the clouds devoid of colour cried tears of rain. The wind roared cracking the atmosphere in two. The only light available was the random occurrences of uncontrollable lightning.

Yes, this was Veldoras rage

Velgrynd stumbled in mid air

'Wha-what is all this?'

'Could this be.. Veldora'

'No it has to be'

Velgrynd studied the sky carefully watching each and every spec of movement.

'Veldora has gotten this strong?'

'Impossible, he has even gone and surpassed me in strength'

Her eyes glowed as the swords of light reflected from her gaze


Upon the nightmarish horizon two god like beings were battling to the death

Yet again it was Velzard, however this time she was not accompanied by her sister.

In front of her was a tanned shirtless man oozing with arrogance.

'Hm? No need to look at me like that little brother'

His obsidian cape fluttered in the wind as each muscle in his body strained to pull his barbaric swings.

'Still you've gotten a lot lot stronger, don't tell me I'll actually have to get serious with you'

With a thump and a flash Velzard was sent flying into the distance like a rag doll

It's true that Velzard was faster than Veldora however one punch from the storm dragon could leave you headless with a face filled with red moss.

Velzard looked back at Veldora with a monstrous feral smile coated in crimson

'I see Rimuru has trained you well'

'But still not good enough!'

That one strike from Veldora was dangerous but not even close to enough to kill her

Velzard returned with a fist of her own directly to the face however the damage wasn't nearly as severe as imagined

Veldora managed to block at the last second
Softening the impact


'KWHAHAHAHAHAHA if you still think I'm the same reckless dragon as I was before then you are naive sister!'

The reason Velzard was so shocked wasn't because of the block itself; at the rate he's been growing its not surprising that he's learnt how to block one of her attacks

It's the change in his attitude

Normally the old Veldora wouldn't bother to block and instead just run away in fear when he realises he's going to lose so the fact that he's actually standing his ground for once is crazy

But that wasn't even the main part.

Velzard, the almighty frost dragon is currently being mocked by Veldora.

Not only is she being laughed at she's being called naive too

The amount of humiliation she's receiving right now is unthinkable coming from him

Truth is Veldora hasn't suddenly gained some massive dragon balls but Rimuru offered him his entire collection to that series if he can defeat Velzard

The power of manga is beyond our capabilities

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