The Invitations

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I've been given the important task of distributing invitations for the upcoming festival, assigned to me by Lord Rimuru. It's been ages since I've had any time to myself. Before coming to Tempest, I was always by Rudra's side, never leaving him even for a second unless ordered to. But now, as Lord Rimuru's secretary, I spend all my time with him however now I am with neither. This feels strange and refreshing at the same time. Well either way this journey is going to be interesting for sure.

The first person on the list is Gazel, or King Gazel as he's commonly known nowadays. Although I've been on this planet for many years, I haven't had the opportunity to venture outside the Empire much, so I'm not quite familiar with what Dwargon will be like. I hope they will be cooperative, as I'd prefer to avoid any confrontations. To me, they're nothing more than small fries though. I could kill them instantly.

Utilizing my space and time manipulation abilities, I decide to teleport just outside the gates of Dwargon. I could go to Gazel directly however that might cause a bit of a commotion. It will be annoying if they think I'm some sort of assassin.

As I approach the gates, I notice that the line is quite long, consisting of approximately a hundred people. Most of them seem to be adventurers or individuals employed by the guild, at least that's what I assume. Although it's tempting to just blow everyone away to proceed directly to my destination, I resist the urge. However, I can't help but notice a few guards eyeing me awkwardly. Just as I'm about to 'address' the situation, I feel a hand on my shoulder.

A repulsive and dishevelled human, donning shabby gear and wielding a rusted sword, shamelessly scans me with lustful eyes.

Vile Human: What's a girl like you doing all alone out here? How about you come with me, and we'll have some fun!

He suggests, his foul breath nearly causing me to gag.

Barely Maintaining my composure, I firmly state,

Velgrynd: Remove your filthy hands from my shoulder. You're soiling my delicate skin, you wretched human.

Rather than heeding my words, the man clings even tighter to my shoulder.

Filthy Human: Don't be so uptight. Although I do like women who play hard to get.

He continues to persist even though I've warned him to stop.

Enraged by his audacity, I wrap my claws around his throat, ready to literally tear his head off from his shoulders, However, two guards intervene, blocking my path. Their expressions are a mixture of fear and trepidation, which makes me smirk a bit. With a forceful motion, I toss the repugnant human to the ground, and he is hastily seized and scurried away.

one of the guards urgently calls out to me.

Guard: Wait Lady Velgrynd! Sir Rimuru informed us of your arrival. Please come with us!

Ah, so that's why they were afraid. It all makes sense now. Although I'm curious about the possible outcome if I had chosen to ignore them and keep the man captive, I have more pressing matters to attend to. I decide to comply and follow the guards through the bustling streets of Dwargon, I enter inside through some special gate on the right end of the wall made for upper class or important people, obviously I am both. With every step I find myself drawing unwanted attention. Although I am used to it, I still feel a strong sense of irritation.

Eventually, the guards guide me to an imposing door, presumably leading to Gazel's location. A stern and blonde-haired Dwarf locks eyes with me, a bead of sweat trickling down his forehead. With a determined nod, he opens the door and accompanies me inside. The room reveals a table with two chairs, one unoccupied and the other occupied by Gazel. Choosing the vacant seat, I gracefully settle down.

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