Summer Festival

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Velgrynd: Shuna, do you know who the 'guests' are that Lord Rimuru mentioned?

The anger on her face started to fade away and her smile transitioned into a gentle one. I could still sense a little bit of bitterness though.

Shuna: Oh, they are –

As she says this a petite pink haired girl comes flying through the door smashing it into pieces


Her childish voice echoed throughout the room.

Shuna: Here 😊

She didn't even stop for a second, using magic to put it on instantly.

Her vibrant kimono enveloped her slender frame in a burst of pink adorned with a tapestry of meticulously crafted flowers. The sash, wrapped in a band and tied with a daisy, added a touch of orange radiance. Together, the ensemble formed a harmonious display of colour and cuteness.

???: Woahhh...

Her face lightened up like it was the best thing she's ever saw.

She is My Niece. Milim Nava.

I've never has a proper discussion with her which probably seems unusual considering our relationship. But that's how it's always been and none of us seem to care. There's no point getting involved in other people's business.

That said, her personality is off the mark from what I imagined.

I knew how strong she was. And I know that she's stronger than Me, Velzard and possibly Lord Rimuru so I thought she would've had a more dominant sadistic side, or maybe Milim is part of the group who only show their true power when angry.

Her title 'The Destroyer' doesn't help either.

Although I have no plans to go up to her and play catch-up it's nice to see her in person for the first time in years.

5 Children around similar age also follow up behind her, walking up to Shuna. Even though there are many other people in the room it's plain obvious that she's the favourite. She begins to pass out even more clothing.

One girl, with waist-length black hair and captivating blue eyes, accepts her new gift with sheer delight, her face turning a deep shade of crimson. She stutters softly, expressing her gratitude.

Chloe: Thank you so much, Lady Shuna.

Overwhelmed with joy, she takes the kimono and gently presses it against her face, attempting to conceal her blissful blush.

Chloe: I hope Rimuru sensei will love it too. Hehe~

Another young girl, around the same age as Chloe, exudes an intense personality and shows no signs of embarrassment.

Alice: Let me see mine! Let me see mine!

Her eyes widen in wonderment as she observes the adorable kimono, adorned with charming little stuffed animals.

Alice: Wow! It's absolutely adorable! I used to wear kimono's all the time!

Chloe: I think mines better hehe.

Alice: No way!

A spirited young boy, sporting spiky orange hair and deep black eyes, also chimes in.

Kenya: Hey, mine looks a bit different. What's the deal?

Alice: Ah, that's because yours is a Yukata, a kimono designed specifically for boys like you.

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