Cat Fight

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Guy Crimson


It's not like I hate Guy or fear him, it's just when the man known as the most evil demon lord walks in at a time when you want no distractions you're going feel a bit shook are you not?

'Yo Rimuru, it's been a while ey?'

'You could say that'

'So what are you here for, sightseeing?'

'Yeah that's about right'

Well I'm relieved at least to find out he's not here to declare war or anything. I don't think his relationship with Velgrynd is strong enough to want to destroy my country but i need to ask first

The two maids lurked behind him, the one with blue hair was Rain, and the one with green is Misery. Very strange and negative names. Does Guy even like them? To be honest it's not like I have ever saw them smile.

They're still overwhelmingly strong for a subordinate however they're not on my Primordials levels. Diablo could take both of them at once. That said I'm not going to lie I want them to serve me they look very reliable. Maybe I'll kill Guy and steal them, I heard Demons follow the strongest.

No I should just dress the primordial girls in maid suits instead. Testarossa would look nice in one Ultima wou-

'Oi Oi can you say something? This is really awkward you know'

Oh yeah Guy was here.

'Like what'

'Are you stupid?'

I have no idea what he is talking about.

'Shouldn't you guide me around? I came all the way hear you know, show your guests some respect'

'What am I your tour guide?'


I'm not happy about it. But if it will avoid trouble then I'll just get on with it.

'Well fine then follow me'

'Nah never mind we will just chat here, got a visitor coming in a minute anyway'

No no. I already have enough trouble on my hands this is something you should tell me before

'And why didn't you tell me?'

'Does it really matter?'

This asshole.

'Well fine then..'

'I'll ignore the disappointed look'


There wasn't enough 'chatting space' So Rimuru and Velgrynd led guy and his two maids to the reception room.

Nobody spoke when walking, it was not because there was any hostility it was just that no one had anything to start a conversation with. The only thing heard is multiple steps echoing. If you payed close attention you would be able to differentiate each step. For example Rain and Misery's heels clacked together whereas Rimuru and Guy tended to have heavier steps. Velgrynd was the clearest as she carried more of a strut to her step swinging her hips like a model on a catwalk. Either way it was the least natural, it's probably one of the ways she used to impress Rudra however that's only a speculation.

Rimuru has already informed Shuna about the situation so like always she tended to the task at hand perfectly. Tea and snacks were prepared and she was innocently waiting at the door welcoming them.

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