Velgrynd vs The Ogre's

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From today, you will be my 3rd secretary.

Teleporting back to outside tempest Rimuru released Velgrynd.

'From today, you will be my 3rd secretary'

Still on the floor, Velgrynd pushed herself off the grass and stood up besides Rimuru

Velgrynd was unusually tall for a woman, even though Rimuru grew taller after his evolution he still didn't manage to beat Velgrynd in height. Due to Velgrynd also sharing the same hair and eye colour as Rimuru Velgrynd definitely fit the 'older sister' look.

Completely ignoring the woman besides him, the entirety of tempest came sprinting towards Rimuru like some kind of stampede. If you were not familiar with Rimuru it wouldn't be hard to mistake them as an attacking monster army

'Rimuru sama!!'

'It's rimuru sama!'

'Rimuru is safe!!'

'Rimuru has returned!!'

Various chants were yelled from within the citizens of Tempest. The True demon lord responded happily with lots of smiles and waves.

After a while Rigurd, a green goblin created from pure muscle came over and told the cheery crowd to give him some space. Reluctantly they left however to them and everyone else in this city the last thing they would want is causing Rimuru trouble

'Rimuru sama, congratulations on your victory' A blue haird Kijin with one horn appeared right behind rimuru, his blue trench coat fluttered in the wind as he kneeled onto the mud not caring about dirtying his white jeans

'WAH?' A cute squeak came out of Rimurus mouth from surprise.

< heh >

If you listened closely you could hear a smug chuckle out of a certain persons mouth

A non existent vein popped out of Rimurus forehead but was snapped back to reality by Souei

'Woah you scared me there Souei'

'My apologies'

'So? Any problems whilst I've been gone?'

'Nothing worth noting Sir Rimuru'

Souei curiously turned his head to the side

'May I ask about that Woman?'

Just after souei asked that question the others arrived

Benimaru, the head of the ogre clan and leader of the military came running, he jumped infront of rimuru to act as his shield then Whipped out his katana to point the blade towards her neck.

In defence Velgrynd blocked with one finger and shattered the sword without moving an inch.

Shion attacking from behind jumped above Velgrynds slender back and slashed down with her Gorikimaru which ended up being smacked away with one index finger however to Velgrynds surprise the blade came back down and didn't break, it continued pushing down on Velgrynd with force. To Shion it was impossible and she knew that so her only purpose was to buy time. She also used her ultimate skill cook but yet again it had no effect on Velgrynd and eventually Shion met the same fate.

Carrera, Testarossa, Ultima and Diablo who was already aware of the situation looked over treating this as some entertaining game

Shuna, Benimarus sister and princess of the ogre clan sprinted to my side. Even in a situation such as this Shuna still managed to run gracefully

Gobta ran away.

Rimurus POV

Ah now they've done it, I don't blame them. The strongest enemy out of everyone in the Empire has casually walked in and stood next to me, it's not weird to assume that she's not trying to attack me especially because they were the only one who actually noticed her.

I had absolutely no intentions of stopping the fight by any means unless Velgrynd actually decided to go for the kill to get revenge against me or something. It wasn't because I wanted to give Velgrynd a purposely hard time, it's just because I want them to realise how powerful she is. I'm very happy I was there though as carrera may have destroyed the entire city in a useless rematch. I'm not here to torture Velgrynd I promised Veldora I wouldn't lay a hand on her unless I had to. She's only my secretary so I can keep an eye on her anyway.

It is strange though that the woman I ripp-

< we >

< damn when did you get so jealous? >

< it's just your imagination >

Yeah yeah ok ok

Anyway, it feels strange that the woman WE ripped apart with ease is so feared. I guess she could make a good ornament if I ever wanted to flaunt my strength.

Velgrynd towered over the kneeling ninja with a creepy smirk

'Souei.. is it? My name is Velgrynd. Out of awe from my majesty's overwhelming power I have decided to fully dedicate my mind body and soul to serving him and this nation for the rest of my life'

Rimuru has decided to disclose the actual reason for Velgrynd becoming his 3rd secretary since it would be difficult to explain and overall he doesn't like to talk about his violent ways in general.

Souei's eyes widened as he heard the name Velgrynd. Everybody knew that name but barley anyone has saw her face. It was crazy that she was just saw as a attractive woman who stood next to rudra in the empire and nobody questioned it. The empire always knew this woman was strong but if they learnt the extent to that strength I'm sure they would be afraid of even speaking.

Souei already knew that this was no lie and that she really is Velgrynd. Like veldora no one would use that name so freely and from the amount of power she has it would be stupid to call her a liar.

Once again Souei's admiration of Rimuru increased, not only has he managed to defeat this beast he's managed to tame it too. Not that he doubted him in the first place

Benimaru and Shion, chained by the earth itself too exhausted to talk or walk could only sit and listen to this conversation. After hearing this their shock was overturned by relief that she was an ally and their master would be safe.

Princess Shuna instantly used her healing on the two ogres quickly whipping them back to shape.

After that Shion, a gorgeous babe with long purple hair tied into a pony tail that reached all the way to her lower back came running up to me. One of Shions greatest talents is the skill to keep her overly large breasts not falling out of the professional formal attire (not that I would mind) that makes her look like the perfect secretary. It really suits her.. wait. No. No it doesn't, she's an idiot

So did Benimaru

Ah I'm sorry looks like I got carried away then. Hey don't look at me like that? Show me some sympathy I'm sexless okay! It's not like YOU would be any better if you were in my position is it??

End of POV

Heya, it's me again! I hope you enjoyed this chapter (or part?) I'm sorry that not a lot happened in this chapter. I have actually wrote more but I'm worried about the chapters getting to long. The next few chapters will be a lot more interesting, this one was just used to bring Velgrynd into tempest.

For those who like this Fan Fiction let me know if you want longer or shorter chapters :) thanks
And again, is there anything you want me too add to this story? As long as I like the idea it will be inserted into it.  Cheers and see you later <3

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