Bubble Bath Bomb Dragons

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The meeting room was completely silent as I walked in, and by silent, I mean REALLY silent. I'm sure they're telling themselves that talking in front of me is the ultimate sin and worthy of death. You don't realise how tempting it is to shout, 'ALL RISE!' ordering them to stand up and salute me but I choose not to.

No that's a complete lie I can't resist.

Rimuru: ALL RISE

Everyone stands up and salutes instantly other than Ranga, he just barked and wagged his tail (not like he could do much anyway). This is absolutely amazing I feel so powerful right now. I should do things like these more often. You can try it at home if you wish.

The point of the meeting wasn't actually for Velzard, she was just an introduction but that's for later.

Rimuru gives a small cough.

Okay, just like last time then. Easy.

Rimuru: Hello everyone! Firstly, just before we start, I would want to introduce my new secretary. Velzard the ice dragon

Just like previously, time felt like it stopped... no it didn't?


Wait what?

In fact, nobody's reacting. Did they not hear me?

Rimuru: Hey um, It's Velzard! The white ice dragon!

The only way I know they could hear me is due to Velgrynd, Kaijin, Vesta and Dinos reaction. But they were a given anyway. Ramiris was a little worried, but she got over it quickly. Wait why is Dino still here?

Oh yeah, he works with Vesta now, I forgot.

Benimaru: Well, we expected something like this to happen, we also have Velgrynd so it's not a surprise.

They just smiled and nodded their heads.

I did hear Dino mutter under his breath.

Thank God I am not on his bad side.

Even though they are not very fond of Velzard there's one thing they can all agree on

That they can all put all their trust in Rimuru.

Luckily due to this there was no reason for me to go into any further detail about Velzard.


They all sit down as I say that. God this really is so cool. But that aside we should get into the second part of the meeting. The real reason for holding this.

Rimuru looks at his subordinates and speaks.

Rimuru: Does anyone remember what the plan was before this whole interruption?

Rigurd raises his hand.

Rigurd: The plan was to hold a ceremony and evolve 12 people into true demon lords, right? This was to take peoples thoughts off Velgrynd and instead show the world something even greater?

Rimuru: However, once the world finds out I also have Velzard under my control there is no way that publicly evolving 12 demon lords would be enough to distract them.

Souei asks to speak. I approve.

Souei: That means that we need to show them directly, right? That we have no intention of harming other nations

Of course, but that doesn't mean I won't if I have too. I'm way too powerful to be stopped now anyway.

Rimuru: Correct, so we're going to hold a festival for people to visit. I will personally send invites, however. After the festival we will then do the ceremony. I assume there's no rejections?

Punishment of a True DragonDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora