Let the Journey Begin.

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A/N: I know, I know, I said I would take some time before I began the rewrite, and no, my exams aren't completed yet. 

But, with that being said, the Cote X Highschool DXD fic that I promised is a project that I will work on, yes, and it will be published right after my Demigods vs Magic book is completed. That ways I wouldn't be writing three fics at the same time, and it would give me time to properly devote my attention to my works equally as well. 

But yes, I just wanted to clarify that the idea is in the works, and I'm not backing out of that. 

Unlike last time where I aged things up, I'm aging things down now. So yeah, the demigods are all 16 heading into this, and the Giant War happened a few weeks after the Titan War. The whole things culminates quicker and right on time for the new school year to begin. And yes, I understand that 16 might be a bit too old for freshmen in high school compared to the normal 15, but everyone will be of that age itself, so just roll with it. 

Without further delays, let's begin. 

Percy POV



Never thought, in all 16 years of my life, that I would question something like that. 

But, that was what demigod life did to you. Fighting two wars one after the other, almost as if it was one giant war, would leave lasting damage on you. Lives were lost, mental health was on an all time low and as always panic attacks and tremors ran rampant. 

Just the average demigod life.

I wanted to get rid of this, to get rid of what had haunted not just myself, but many other survivors of the wars. I realized that being in the environment we called home wouldn't make things better for us, after all, the Gods didn't care. They would more than happily let us suffer while they sat on their thrones all day. 

Deadbeat idiots. 

Thus, I took matters into my own hands. The moment I got the chance, I held the Gods to their oaths this time, and managed to get us out from this mess. No more wars where demigod lives would be lost, where they would have to be the pawns to be used. No more, and never again. 

I convinced them, however, with that came a problem of its own. As long as we remained in the Western Hemisphere or in Europe, monsters would follow us. 

I took that chance, and used the connections Annabeth and I had built with the Kane siblings and Annabeth's cousin Magnus, to form a council of representatives of all three pantheons, to aid each other and offer counsel. 

It was after the formation of this council, that the Shinto deities offered us a peace treaty. The pantheon of Japan. The treaty itself I won't go into, however what matters is that 20 demigods would be able to live and complete their education in Japan. Strings had been pulled to make this happen. And the 20 demigods are: 

Percy Jackson, son of Poseidon. 

Annabeth Chase Jackson, daughter of Athena. 

Jason Grace, son of Jupiter. 

Piper McLean, daughter of Aphrodite. 

Leo Valdez, son of Hephaestus. 

Frank Zhang, son of Mars. 

Hazel Levesque, daughter of Pluto. 

Nico Di'Angelo, son of Hades. 

Reyna Avila-Ramirez Arellano, daughter of Bellona. 

Clarisse La Rue, daughter of Ares. 

Sherman Yang, son of Ares. 

Malcolm Pace, son of Athena. 

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