chapter 17

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Kim's pov

I don't get it

Why did I hesitant just now? Maybe my body is just tired

I looked up


Where was he!?

Did he leave? But I didn't hear the door nor his footsteps


My eyes widen in horror when I heard him whisper in my ear , before I could react , he seized both of my arm and put them behind my back

"What're you playing?"

I whispered

"With you?"

"Let go!"

I said , trying to get my hands out of his grasp

"Don't yell"

I shut my mouth , I could feel his breath near my neck , he bite into my neck , sucking my blood , they use us

In order to live , they're using us , it's not surprising though

I can't forget that guy that came to the other room , to the room that I was in earlier

I let out a sigh , I'm used to it now

I was waiting for him to bite my neck but to my surprised , he didn't

I turn my head , I could feel his gaze , he free my wrist instead

"Do me a favour and don't try anything tonight , don't look outside the window"

Confused was I , why?

"Why not? Should I listen to you?"

"The bloodmoon will be tonight"

The bloodmoon?

I remember when I was little , my eyes were burning when I looked at it and that's when chaos started , everyone turned against each other , vampires and human

And my father disappeared , without anyone knowing , to this day , I'm still eager to know what the hell happened to him

"You better listen"

I scoff

"What? Are you threatening me? Do I look like a dog that is gonna listen to you?"

I'm not gonna obey if he thinks so

He rolled his eyes

He walked out the door , I hope he didn't lock the door , I walked over , damn it!

He locked the door

I need to somehow get Chay out of here , even if they kill me , my life is worth risking if I can get him out of here but it's not possible for tonight

First , I need to make sure his little brother isn't here because he's be a trouble

But the most troublesome will be that guy , Vegas , today isn't a good day

I know Macau will be out of here to get groceries , I mean it's at the end of the month , it make sense if he goes to buy groceries now , that way I'll deal with the older one and get Chay out of here


Easier said than done

I let out a sigh , this isn't gonna be easy but it's worth the risk

Hm , this is frustrating to think of , I just hope he doesn't break another arm of mine

"What're you thinking?"

At Your Mercy •Vegas x Kim•/•Macau x Porchay•Where stories live. Discover now