chapter 12

228 11 1

Kim's pov

Sleepless , another sleepless night , I couldn't get myself to sleep and it has been 2 days , my body ached everywhere , especially my arm which has been in a cast

Ihaven't eaten the rice that was made by Macau

The guy who's the little brother of the older guy , Vegas ,I suppose his name was

I was still laying down , my arm resting itself on the pillow , I suddenly heard the door opened

I didn't glance over to see who it was , I didn't need to know

I already know who's there by the sounds of their footsteps and it was Vegas , his footsteps were most likely loud but what bugged me was that how come for the first time I've seen them , why couldn't I hear their footsteps?

It's scary to think all of it again

I heard the plate made a little sound on the table , means he took the plate with him , I heard the door closed

I slowly sit up and that's when I saw him

"Avoiding me Kim?"


My eyes widen

I looked at him with in horror

He knows my name? I wouldn't be surprised if they knew it later , but how?

Porchay wouldn't ever tell them our names , it could be that he told my name accidentally

I look down

I was avoiding him all along because I didn't want to be in more pain

My arm was already hurting , I didn't want another fracture leg or any other part of my body

I did it for my little brother , I don't even know what his intention was on threatening my little brother

My eyes widen as I backed away in the bed , he was near me , his steps were fast

I felt his breathing , he bend down to my height , mostly he kneel down , I wonder what was he up to this time

I could feel my hands trembling for some reason , I knew I couldn't beat him but still , I couldn't let him talk to Porchay like that , I looked away , facing to where the window was

I didn't want to see his fucking face

I wanted to be alone , away from him , my arm was hurting , two days has passed and it's still hurting a lot , it was and wasn't my fault

"What were you thinking when fighting me? You know well that vampires have more strength than a human"

He askedin a husky voice , giving me shivers , I didn't answer


I shivered as he said my name , I could feel his eyes on me

I suddenly felt someone sat beside me , for fuck sake did he just sat beside me?

I tried to wiggle away but he grabbed my wrist

I was going to move my arm until I groan , remembering that my arm was fractured , he let out a sigh

All I wanted was for him to get away from me

"I want to apologise"

My expression changed to disgust , him? Apologising?



I can't even think he is apologising by himself , someone like him wouldn't even be able to apologise well from what I've seen , he doesn't seem to be someone who would apologise for something like this

"You? Apologising? How laughable"

I said almost in a whisper but he kept staring at me , he didn't hear me did he?

"I heard you clear and well"

Whatever , I kept looking away , avoiding eyes contact with him

"Listen , i didn't mean to hurt you"

"Nah you didn't try , you actually wanted to hurt me"

I said this sentence loud enough for him to hear me , but what can I or he do? I am held captive here for nothing , I didn't do anything

"I have no reason to actually apologise to someone who's a bullshit of crap"

I rolled my eyes but just then I heard the door opened , I looked over only to see his little brother



"C'mon , you said you will"

"And I did"

"Do it better for fuck sake"

Vegas let out a sigh , I watched him turned around to me

"Okay fine , I'm fucking sorry for hurting you and for threatening your brother"

He said these words briskly but quickly left and so did his brother too , well now I was alone again

I liked it when I'm alone sometimes , it's nice to have some peace but I was missing Porchay , my brother , I want him to escape , here is not the best place to stay , I wish to be with Porchay right now

I hope he's safe

I'm scared of what he might do to Porchay , I don't care if anything happens to me but not Porchay , not him , I don't want anything to happen to him , he's my soul , my life , he's my everything

I would so anything for him , he's my brother , we grew up together , I was the one who raised him , I trained him

I won't live if he die , he's my other half

He completes me , he's my sibling and everything I would wish for , Porchay has always been clingy to me , he loves me as much as I do , I miss seeing him

I hope he's safe , I hope they don't lay their hands on him

I let out a sigh and layed down , the little one seem nice but the older one..he's scary and feel force to do or say anything

What a dumbass

At Your Mercy •Vegas x Kim•/•Macau x Porchay•Where stories live. Discover now