chapter 10

249 10 3

Vegas's pov

I was outside , smoking , letting the stress out

"What was that?"

It was Macau , i throw the cigarette down and put my foot over it

"What was what?"

"Yesterday? Kim? The boy?"

I closed my eyes remembering that shitty boy , he fucking raged me , he made me so fucking mad yesterday


I said as we were both quiet

"How is it nothing? You fractured his right arm Phi"

He crossed his arms as he lean on the wall , I let out a deep sigh

"Did he mentioned that?"

I nodded , what I hate the most is when someone talking about killing us , about that blue fire , it brough me so many horrible nightmares

I remembered how my families died , how my fellow friends must have suffer , dying with the fire , that cunt had dare to talk about this shit , I let out a deep sigh

"You must apologise"

I looked at Macau , strange


"You fractured his arm Vegas , I know it hurts but you can't just injured him like that , I don't even know if he will be alright and that boy Porchay wouldn't let us go if his brother wouldn't be alright"

"I could care less"

I said as my expression change towards Macau

"Really? What if someone did this to me , would you let that person live Phi?"

I stayed silent

"Don't you think that they're also link to each other? They're like us , you burn for me while Kim , burn for his little brother , it's the same as us , he just want to protect his brother"

I looked away , knowing well that he was right about it , at the same time I didn't have to threaten that guy but do I really have to apology?

"How did you know their name?"

I asked as I was curious about it , they fought with us I doubt they would tell us their name

"I just came to know the older one is called Kim and the other one Porchay , I remember that Kim called his little brother Porchay , that's how I know their name"

I gave a little nod

"Is he awake?"

I asked

"Well maybe , maybe not because he haven't woken up since yesterday , you beat him so much , you almost killed him"

"Wasn't my intention"

I said

"Maybe it wasn't your intention but remember that our strength isn't the same as a human , we have more strength and power than them"

"Damn since when did you get smarter? I didn't know you could think without a brain"


He smacked me in my head as I scoff

"I'm going to check on him"

"Go ahead"

I walked upstairs and went inside my room ,  as I opened the door , I saw him standing and looking outside , he didn't seem to noticed me

"Why're you up?"

I said , he heard me because he looked at me in the corner of his eyes but he ignored me

Well it's not really surprising

I walked up to him , seeing his arm in a cast and other bandages in his other arm and hands , some band aid in his face and in the corner of his mouth

He didn't move , he stayed there without moving , he ignored me but as soon as I approached him

He backed away to the bed

His expression changed

Pain and anger shown in his eyes I smiled but he didn't react

No emotion shown in his eyes

I should probably give him some time off , I walked to the door and made my way out , I locked the door before going out , I went downstairs

Seeing Macau in the kitchen

"Smells weird"

"It's nice though , human food are kind of good well not all of them"

"You tried them?"

"Yeah , it's good"

I looked at him , although we live off blood , we can eat human food

"Try it"

Macau said as he put a plate of something  infront of me , I look at it weirdly

"It's called fried rice , I tried to make some , I don't know if it's good"

He gave me a spoon , I took it and ate some but spit it out , he looked at me

"I don't think human food are for me"

I said , Macau took it and went back , putting two other plates down on the counter

"Is he awake?"


"Did you apologise?"


Saying sorry wasn't my thing , it was kind of hard for me to say sorry in a way of meaning it

Especially to human , I hate human , I hated them more than anything I can hate in the world

They're so annoying but also fucking betrayers , they were more worse than an animal

Animals are better than human in my opinion

"I gave him some space , I don't think he will want to talk to me right now"

He stepped away when I went near him , so I assume i should give him some space

"Alright , I will go and deliver these food to them"

He said as he took the two plates in his hands

"You need some help?"

"No I'm fine but"

He looked up at me

"Do apologise to him , holding a grudge against him won't do anything , that will only irritate him more and he will want to escape , humans are clever , don't be fool by their appearance , we need their blood to live but we also can't let them escape , holding a grudge will only make him escape , what if he tell the other humans that there are still some vampires that exists?" 

Holding a grudge will make him more happy because he will have time to prepare himself to escape

He's right , humans are clever , his words make sense but am I really at fault? I could say yes but at the same time

I shouldn't have beat him so hard till I fracture his arm

I let out a heavy sigh as I saw him going upstairs carrying two plates of food in his hands

Humans are so fucking annoying and emotional

At Your Mercy •Vegas x Kim•/•Macau x Porchay•Where stories live. Discover now