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"Romeo, come here, don't you ever see me?
Like the fireworks you are,
Blazing through the sky
I can only ask for more
More of you as you whizz by
Capture me, oh dear one
And allow me to love you back. "

I stared at those lines. Something wasn't making sense. I just couldn't find the proper or perfect line to wrap it up together. I crushed the paper and threw it away, upset at myself.

"Oooof. Is everything ok, Phi?"

I turned to look and saw Barcode and Ta standing at the door. They looked at me confused. Ta picked up the paper and all the other crushed balls of paper along the way as they walked up to me. He held them in his hand as Barcode asked me what was wrong. I just filled both boys in on how annoyed I was on not being able to find the perfect lines.

Barcode patted me lightly on my shoulder, assuring me that I would be able to get it. He asked me to get a break and try again later. I nodded. Barcode offered to go get a drink for me, and I nodded.

I saw Ta walk towards the other table. I thought he was going to throw away my crushed lyrics, but he opened them up and spread it out. He just continued looking at them quietly.

"You ok, Ta? You seem awfully quiet. And you can throw those away. They are such rubbish lines."

"The lines look good, Phi. Maybe you are focusing too much on the melody or tune. Why not just focus on the lines only? You can always come up with a tune to fit those lines."

"How do you know I was focusing on the tune?"

"I been coming here for filming Phi. I always walk past your studio and can hear you. I realized you have been trying to get your lines to fit your tune. I'm sure you know best, but maybe try something different?"

I stared thoughtfully at Ta. Maybe he had a point. I was trying to fit my lines into my tune. Maybe I should try something else?

"I hope I didn't offend you, Phi. I didn't mean to...."

I shook my head. Ta had just given me a really good idea.

"No, you have given me an idea! Let me write it down before I forget!"

Ta nodded excitedly! I ran off to my table and sunk into the whole writing process again. I was excited at having gotten a break and delved straight into it!

I finally made success a few hours later and looked up excitedly to share my news with Ta and Barcode and realize it was almost 1am! Oh my. Both boys had long left, and I didn't even realize.

I stood up, wanting to clean the desk and area when I still saw the laid out lyrics on the other table. I walked over and saw that Ta had left a Post It on the table. It was taped to a particular sheet.

"I love this set of lines, Phi."

I smiled as I pocketed that lyric sheet and the Post It Note. I cleaned up, took my guitar, and left for home. As I went home in the Uber, I kept looking at the piece of Post It, determined to treat Ta to something yummy the next day as a thank you for the motivation. If he hadn't spoken up, God knows how long I would have been in a loop.

I took my phone out to text him on the meal and that's when it hit me, I didn't even have his number. Oh, lord.

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